YouTube - Parkour and FreeRunning
Here is a little clip of a sport, I guess its a sport, of something called Parkour. Its where you just use your body and the natural surrounding to overcome obstacles and perform stunts. I was turned on to it by the reverend from the church we attend on occassion. His sermons are killer. One Sunday he made reference to Led Zeppelin and Guns n Roses. You're probably thinking its some hippy-cult church, its First United Methodist. Anyway, these cats (literally cat-people), basically Danny MacAskill without his bike, are getting their fix on. How hard can it be? You tell me, my knees are shot just looking at it.
Here is a little clip of a sport, I guess its a sport, of something called Parkour. Its where you just use your body and the natural surrounding to overcome obstacles and perform stunts. I was turned on to it by the reverend from the church we attend on occassion. His sermons are killer. One Sunday he made reference to Led Zeppelin and Guns n Roses. You're probably thinking its some hippy-cult church, its First United Methodist. Anyway, these cats (literally cat-people), basically Danny MacAskill without his bike, are getting their fix on. How hard can it be? You tell me, my knees are shot just looking at it.