Start straight in order to finish straight.
Tried some different settings on the camera. It worked out all right on these shots however if you noticed the first photo with the tubes and the drawing you can't make out the drawing at all, its there though. I could probably build a frame without the drawing but its always nice to start out with a plan.
All cut and fit, just waiting on the bb shell to be engraved and then we'll tack this thing up.
This wasn't planned. This is Dizzy and he's the result of watching some tv show with my wife about dogs with no home. The next day she went to one of the local shelters, Gayle's Second Chance Pets outside of Mountain Home, and picked him up. His name was LB, Left Behind, but we thought that was a little negative and decided to give him a fresh new name. I was gonna change it to MOU, Moving On Up, you know like The Jeffersons. I grew up watching George Jefferson, Archie Bunker, and Sanford and Son, shows before the 'politically correct' era. I still love to watch Fred Sanford ream people. I have the Sanford & Son theme song on my iPod. When I'm out in the shop building I just put it on shuffle and every once in a while it just rolls on out of nowhere. It immediately grabs your attention and puts you in a lighter mood. Dizzy changes the mood also. He's 100% pure energy. Its been a long time since I've had a puppy and I don't remember 'em going this hard. Oh if I could bottle just a little of that energy. He's got all the other animals a little on edge. Pinky the shih-tzu is lazier than the Big Lebowski, and the two cats, Louie and Smokey did enjoy their peace, and Dizzy is like a drill sergeant. He's having none of this laying around crap. Maybe in a few days things will start to settle a little. My fingers are crossed.
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