Friday, June 22, 2012

New Lazer Helmet

Just spotted this on Velonews.  The new Lazer Helium helmet now comes with a blinky-light integrated into it.  It may seem a little cheesey however its very innovative and it is for a rider's safety and you'll never have to worry about forgetting your "blink." Imagine having a nighttime crit and there being a pack of about 151 blinky lights sprinting.  And now imagine a crash and theres about 30 blinky lights not moving at all, just sort of floundering around in a big pile on the last corner.  If nothing else, its cooler than having a red flag sticking out of your butt.  I had an idea for a blinky light that was integrated into the saddle.  It would be like a narrow light that ran around the back contour of the saddle and the battery pack would fit nice and proper up under the saddle.  Just reach under the saddle and hit the button.  I would rather have the light on my saddle than my helmet, and if they can make it light enough to go into your helmet the weight would be next to nothing.  I may have to make some calls.

I've been out of town for a few days but finally got back and trying to get back into the bike building groove again.  Got a new road racer in the works and should have some pics up this weekend.  Le Tour is only a week away.  Get some popcorn and Red Bull ready.  I actually have an idea for a new energy drink called "Tiger Jizz."  I actually don't have any ideas for an energy drink other than the gross name "Tiger Jizz." Sounds mean though doesn't it?  Just not sure it sounds good.  I doubt Red Bull needs to worry. Yesterday I wrote on here that my dark-horse favorite for the tour was Robert Gesink but I had some of my names mixed up.  Who I really meant was Thomas Degendt of Vacansoleil who moved up in the Giro pretty handily.  I'm not even sure if he's racing the tour after doing Italy.  Robert Gesink is probably a better pick.  I'm always hopeful for my man Roman Kreuziger but he always seems to crack on the most important stage.  Maybe he'll break through one day.


  1. Saw your post. The Lazer Rollsys LED is super light, not much more than the weight of two button batteries. You will never feel it up there.

    Chris Smith
    Lazer Sport NV

  2. Yeah I figured you guys had it dialed in. Your helmets are the sleekest around. Thanks for checking things out. How about a seat with an integrated light system?
