Just touching base because I haven't posted anything in a while. I didn't know much about blogging when I started this thing and I'm not sure I know anything now however i have actually enjoyed posting photos of my builds, racers and friends alike, and just anything that comes to mind. Thanksgiving was different this year b/c we just got a house in the town of Mountain Home, AR and we had to move fast to get out of the other. There was no turkey and dressing and cranberry sauce just alot of moving. This was the second time in 7 months that I have moved my shop. Its not a very big operation, it will almost fit in the back of my pick-up (not the 350 lb. alignment table), however moving just breaks your rhythm and it takes time to get adjusted to the new setting but I have a pretty nice shop now and I think I am finally in a place where I can settle in and knock out some work come the new year.
I have only been in business for about 15 months but I am happy with the way things have gone so far. I built over 20 frames and sold the majority of them. Some I sold way too cheap just to move them and get some money to keep building. I would rather sell them a little over cost, pay for the materials and start another than to just stack them up. I am a new builder and can't ask the high prices that many well-known framebuilders can get but I am dreaming of that day. I made my fair share of mistakes too. Misplaced braze-ons, chainring and tire clearance issues, etc., just to name a few, but fortunately no broken frames and that was my main concern. R & D riders Larry Yancey and Trent Talley ride their CX bikes like Ricky Carmichael rides a motocross bike, and I also know that most of my customers are racers as well so I am happy that no one has broken one of my frames and I hope that none of you ever do. I try to take a lot of care when I am building a frame because I don't want to have to fix it and I especially don't want you to have to mess with sending it back and waiting for me to fix it however should it happen I will make it right, I don't want my name on any junk. I have also received quite a few compliments as well. About 4 people have commented that the frames climb really well. I don't know exactly why, maybe its the geometry or the big, fat fillets I put on the BB shell or maybe its just because I want them to climb well. I love climbing, I'm not that good at it but I like it. Anyway, now after every frame that I finish I ask a little blessing over it, "Dear Jesus, please let this frame climb like a pissed-off angel. Amen." Its been working. My other favorite compliment is really a simple one but it means a lot to me, someone told me, "Man, they're just good bikes.", and thats what I want to make, good bikes that climb like pissed-off angels.
I would like to say thanks to everyone that has helped me out, those that visit this site, those that ride/race my frames, those that help me troubleshoot problems, and all my family and friends who support me, I couldn't do it without you. I am currently working on a website but who knows when it will be done, I really suck with computers. I am also looking into incorporating some carbon fiber into my frames, I hear its really messy. Anyway, I hope you have a good holiday season and get ready, the next training season is less than a month away. Do I smell pain? You know you love it. Enjoy.
"Fly with MEECH"
I have only been in business for about 15 months but I am happy with the way things have gone so far. I built over 20 frames and sold the majority of them. Some I sold way too cheap just to move them and get some money to keep building. I would rather sell them a little over cost, pay for the materials and start another than to just stack them up. I am a new builder and can't ask the high prices that many well-known framebuilders can get but I am dreaming of that day. I made my fair share of mistakes too. Misplaced braze-ons, chainring and tire clearance issues, etc., just to name a few, but fortunately no broken frames and that was my main concern. R & D riders Larry Yancey and Trent Talley ride their CX bikes like Ricky Carmichael rides a motocross bike, and I also know that most of my customers are racers as well so I am happy that no one has broken one of my frames and I hope that none of you ever do. I try to take a lot of care when I am building a frame because I don't want to have to fix it and I especially don't want you to have to mess with sending it back and waiting for me to fix it however should it happen I will make it right, I don't want my name on any junk. I have also received quite a few compliments as well. About 4 people have commented that the frames climb really well. I don't know exactly why, maybe its the geometry or the big, fat fillets I put on the BB shell or maybe its just because I want them to climb well. I love climbing, I'm not that good at it but I like it. Anyway, now after every frame that I finish I ask a little blessing over it, "Dear Jesus, please let this frame climb like a pissed-off angel. Amen." Its been working. My other favorite compliment is really a simple one but it means a lot to me, someone told me, "Man, they're just good bikes.", and thats what I want to make, good bikes that climb like pissed-off angels.
I would like to say thanks to everyone that has helped me out, those that visit this site, those that ride/race my frames, those that help me troubleshoot problems, and all my family and friends who support me, I couldn't do it without you. I am currently working on a website but who knows when it will be done, I really suck with computers. I am also looking into incorporating some carbon fiber into my frames, I hear its really messy. Anyway, I hope you have a good holiday season and get ready, the next training season is less than a month away. Do I smell pain? You know you love it. Enjoy.
"Fly with MEECH"
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