A great group of frame building guys and gals. Its a pleasure to know you all.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Texas Custom Bicycle Show
Monday, October 29, 2012

Perfect fit. El Aguila.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Derousseau's Cross Frame

Love the way Paul did the dropouts on this one.
Thats pretty tight.
I really like the color of this paint. Has kind of a titanium look to it from some angles and a sort of cool silver from others.
Thanks Andy.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
What is that?

Ok D, so tell us what the deal is with that gawd-awful paint job. Well, I just didn't have enough time to get everything painted that I wanted to. Paul helped me out on one frame for Andy D, gonna have some pictures of it tomorrow, and I was waiting on some warmer weather to shoot a couple of paint jobs on two frames that I was planning on showing. Well the weather got situated the other day and I went to shoot the base coat on one frame and it looked ok but I had to sand a couple of spots down and it needed another coat of paint over the whole thing. It didn't happen. So that was one frame for the show that didn't get painted, it was a gravel-road racer, nice frame that will get painted soon just not before the show. Then there was this one that I also had planned on getting painted but was waiting on the headset to get here. Well the headset made it but you can see that there is no paint. Well there is some paint on it but not a complete paint scheme. So I JB welded the headset cups into the frame and installed the headset and mounted the fork and just thought I would take it as is, a complete frameset that has only been primed, better than nothing right. So then I thought, "Well, why don't you at least stick a MEECH decal on the down tube to represent." Then I realized I had a couple of old stencils, different sized ones, and decided to paint the logo on graffiti-style. Then I just kept digging out stencils and spray painting stuff on the frame with about 3 different colors and that my friends is how this frame ended up looking like it does. "Are you just gonna leave it like that?" No Virginia, I'll eventually paint over everything when I have all my ducks in a row. "Sure you will." Can it Virginia!
Smokey loved it.
Not sure if you can see it or not but I put a little extra funky bend in the chain stays.
Hey thats different. I kinda like it.
It is what it is and its going to Dallas just like this.
This thing got after me today on my ride. It was pretty big and scared me a bit at first sight but when it saw me shift into the big ring it didn't even bother coming after me. It looked like it was wounded or something. Now a couple of miles back I was just sorta tooling along and rolled up to the base of a little hill, two dogs came out of nowhere and had me on my toes. It was in the middle of nowhere, no houses, no driveways, no indicators at all. Just a big roar and leaves started flying off the bushes that they were behind. I honestly didn't know what it was until they finally barked. They were two of those big dogs that people keep around cattle and goat farms. They kinda look like a cross between a big yellow lab and a Saint Bernard or something. Dude I was diggin in all the way to the top of that hill even though the dogs quit chasing me about half way up. I was completely gassed and when I went to shift down into the small ring to catch my breath the chain dropped. Glad I didn't try shifting sooner I may have been Alpo. Maybe I'm in better shape than I think I am. No, I'm not. The dogs were a legitimate close call however that giant cat in the picture is tied down. I didn't even know big cats like this were native to this area. They say they only come out around Halloween. Thats just what I heard. I did pass a tarantula on the road a couple of weeks ago. No lies, and no camera either.
This is a little old gas station that someone restored along the route I was on. Its pretty neat. I screwed up with my camera and shot the fence.
A couple of people have asked me if this Mobilgas emblem was where I got the idea for the MEECH Pegasus logo and while they're very similar I had honestly never seen this image before. I actually got the idea for my logo off of a piece of old Greek pottery that I found a picture of. It actually had a warrior with a spear on the back of the Pegasus but it was way too detailed to get on a head badge so we just scaled it back a little. But the first time I did this loop when we moved to Mountain Home and I saw this sign it kinda blew my mind.
This is where I came up with the idea for my head badge. Gonna post some pics of Andy's cross frame tomorrow before I leave for the show. His frame is one of the ones I'm taking to the show. Its tight. Thanks for checking thing out. Hasta luego.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Dallas Roadtrip
Texas Custom Bicycle Show
October 27-28
Dallas, Texas
Club Dada
October 27-28
Dallas, Texas
Club Dada
This is a photo from a couple of years ago. I always wished I would've gotten to ride this frame. Guess I could build another huh?
Monday, October 22, 2012
This morning the UCI agreed to strip Lance Armstrong of his 7 Tour de France titles and I'm happy to say that I felt no joy in this whatsoever. No only that, but when the UCI governor declared that Lance Armstrong had no place in cycling, I kinda felt like that was a bit extreme. If he doped and cheated and bullied people fine, he's getting exactly what he deserves, but I have to give credit where its due and Lance can ride a bike. I think I'm making progress with my Armstrong issues however he has a long fight ahead of him. Good luck with it Lance.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Monster Energy Cup
Ok, I know this isn't cycling related stuff but anyone that knows me knows I'm a sucker for motocross. Last night in Vegas was the Monster Energy Cup race which is just a big, end of the season race for big money and bragging rights. Its a 3-moto race and if one rider wins all three motos they take home a kewl $MILLION. Last year Ryan Villopoto actually did it. He should change his name to Moto, Moto Villopoto. Anyway, check out this photo above. Ryan Dungey destroyed his shift lever early in the first moto and rode the whole race shifting gears with his hand. What? He finished in 3rd. This photo is extremely cool and is basically why I'm putting this on the blog, I've never seen anything like it. Whats even cooler is that he is actually dicing for the lead right here. Forget destroying your shift lever and saying, "I'll have better luck next time." Forget saying, "Oh well, I'll just ride around and finish the race." Forget pulling into the pits and having a new shift lever put on the bike and reentering the track 2 laps down. Screw all that and say, "I'm gonna ride with one hand on the gas and one on the shift lever and I'm gonna win." 'Increible' Thats spanish for incredible.
Justin Barcia won the overall and took home $100,000. Not a bad nights pay.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Cyclocross Action- LY in LR
Larry Yancey on the move this past Saturday night in Little Rock. MEECH Custom Bicycles needs to invest in a helmet cam for Yancey to wear at the races, theres no tellin what we'd all get to see. That looks like some prime real estate to be riding on, is that Astroturf? Did NASA invent Astroturf, and if so why? You gonna put some grass down on the moon or something. NASA, what a joke. How many 5 million dollar remote control cars have they lost on Mars now anyway? Nobody wants to live on Mars or the moon. Theres nothing happening there. There are no clubs, no beaches, no women, no cross racing. Will someone please clue those nerds in. Now having a cross race on the moon is a worthwhile venture. Imagine bunnyhopping over the barriers in zero gravity. You'd have to have a JET-Pack to get back on the ground. Now that would be a race. When you think about it the moon is not really good for anything we might as well be using it for something. We should put NASA up there and while all those nerds are looking at us down here through their telescopes we can all moon them. Look at that hot pink MOTO on the back of the seat tube, talk about visibility, you could see that from the moon. Yeah baby. Go MOTO!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Looking Down On My Self
These past few nights I've been waking up about 3 o'clock in the morning and can't get back to sleep until about 5:00 or so. I wake up and go get something to eat maybe turn the TV on for a minute while I eat and then get back into bed only to lay there thinking about going back to sleep and whatever else comes to mind. Being a cycling enthusiast and frame builder the bicycle world is usually one of the main things I think about while I'm laying there. Most everyday I check Velonews or maybe some other cycling related website to see what the latest activity is and here the past few days it seems like everything is Armstrong related. I've said at the least 3 times that I wasn't gonna talk about Lance any more so I've already broken my word a couple of times which is something I try not to do and I don't do it often. Anyway, this isn't really about Lance Armstrong so much as it is about me. The Armstrong saga makes me think things and then I in turn start realizing stuff about myself, things I don't like, things I would like to change and so I thought by confessing them out loud that maybe this Armstrong thing will eventually disappear completely from my mind. Ok, thats a bit far fetched because my life will have to change quite a bit before I can get completly away from Armstrong's name because every cyclist out there is gonna be subject to his name on any given day. I'm just so sick of it all and would like it to end, to go away.
I don't have a problem with him doping. Big deal, everyone was doing it, I understand why he did it to some extent, and I don't even care. I do want the truth to come out though, and its rapidly coming, day after day. My problem is that I don't, and never did, like Lance Armstrong as a person. I didn't like his cocky, Big Tex attitude and I didn't like seeing him just destroy everyone in the races with a smirk. There was one moment that I remember thinking that I was happy for Armstrong and it was after he won his first Tour. I still didn't actually like him but I thought that it was a good story that a man who battled cancer had come back from the deathbed and not only raced again but won the Tour de France. Lets face it, thats amazing. Thats the only slight moment I ever thought, "Good for him." Then, during the second one, I wanted him to get beat. Jan Ullrich was one of my favorite riders because of his time-trialing style and because I thought he could actually do it, or so I thought, and so he was my only hope to put Lance in his place. Josephe Beloki was good, and I was pulling for him when Ullrich wasn't around but I kinda knew that Beloki wasn't quite man enough to do it, or thats what I felt anyway. I just hoped anyone would beat him, I didn't care who, anyone, Iban Mayo, Pantani, just anyone. I truly disliked Armstrong. During the month of July every year for six straight years I sat on my sofa watching the tour, sometimes falling to my knees and praying, "Just let someone crack his ass on this mountain!", and then he'd attack and drop everyone like they were nobody at all. I ached all over. I hated him and thats my problem. It takes a lot of energy out of you to hate or to genuinely dislike someone, hate is such a strong word. Everytime something bad comes out against Lance, the old me rejoices inside a little, I feel happiness in his misery and failure and I know its wrong. Let me remind you that I've been working on this for quite a while and I'm far along and away from what this little story will make it sound like, it truly doesn't bother me much anymore, I've moved on for the most part but there is still a part of me inside that feels good and probably will continue to get some satisfaction out of his falling. After Contador beat him at his own game I was pretty much ok after that. The king was dead and I began to heal. But now its going much further than I ever anticipated and it almost feels like, "The king is dead and no longer a threat but lets cut off his head too." I understand that people want to get to the absolute bottom of this and its really the only way that the sport of bicycle racing can move forward. Burn it to the ground, clean the slate, and rebuild. I want this for myself too so that it might kill that little bit of my former self that still remains inside of me who enjoys seeing Lance fall. Its already happened but I think that until he confesses it will never completely heal. This isn't the end of my story and its in no way, shape, or form the end of my problems. Lance is not my problem, I'm not sure what is but its not Lance.
The last year or so I've been reading a couple of books and listened to some audio books as well as other things that has put me on a mission to find my higher self. I'm not trying to get to deep or anything but I just want to be working on being the best person that I can be at everything that I do as I grow older. Let me just stop and say, dude, I'm a long way away, but the thought is in my mind and I want to just make as much progress as I can in a reasonable manner, try to tap into as much of that positive energy out there that I can. It kinda feels like, "I know I'm not gonna win this race, and I don't know exactly where I'm gonna finish, but I want to do the best that I can." I want to learn as much as possible about myself, others, and the world in general as I can, what else is there to do. Keep in mind we're all mainly concentrating on making a living for ourselves and our families, and thats priority number one, but whenever I can work on learning something new I want to take advantage of it. I don't plan on entering a new dimension or anything but it would be neat to find a step or an entrance into some sort of energy source that is available to anyone that tries to find it. You know, kinda like Jesus did. He truly loved and forgave everyone for their imperfections and he rose above it all, of course he also got crucified. Imagine you're out in space looking down on the Earth, now imagine all the people in the world, and all the crazy things that are going on, imagine life and death. Now what importance does the Lance Armstrong saga really have in all that. Not much, but if you're into cycling or bike racing it just won't go away. I can't imagine how much weight must be pressing down on his shoulders right now. He is a strong man, a great athlete, but I bet that if you got to his core he's no different than you and I. He's just another person in the world, just like us, although he's got a ton of problems right now. I think he's stupid as I've always thought he was stupid, not in racing or in competition, not in being number one, he is a master of all those things, but I think he's stupid because for all that he's done and been through he can't see that all he has to do is say, "Yeah, I did it.", and everyone will start to forgive him, they'll start to embrace him again, and he can start to rebuild that empire that he so loves.
Like every amateur bike racer has done at one time or another I used to think that I would love to be a pro. Get paid to ride and race your bike every day, travel the world, and maybe get famous. I never got closer than Cat 2 but I'm just thankful that I had that opportunity and also that I'm still able to ride. I could even start racing again if I wanted. I love riding now more than ever, although I do a lot less of it and I'm quite a bit slower. Alot of times when I'm riding I burden myself with these thoughts that I'm just not going fast enough, and worse, I'm getting slower. I try to make peace with it and I'm ok with it to some degree but it still bothers me when I feel like I'm just not going hard enough. How fast am I supposed to go? I'm not training for anything, I don't race anymore, but I just think I'm not going fast enough. Why am I mad at myself for this? If it was really important to me I would be out there working at it trying to get faster but now I'm more interested in frame building and trying to find my higher self. Anyway I'm pretty sure I've gone as fast as I'm gonna go, but from time to time I still get that urge to give it a dig and after 30 seconds of "SUFFERAMA" I'm disappointed in myself. Is this why I'm taking enjoyment out of someone else's failure because I'm not fast enough? I don't want to do that. For the most part I don't feel like that toward people, I'm fairly sympathetic toward everyone and everything but not with Lance Armstrong and I feel that its pathetic on my part and thats one of the things that is preventing me from tapping into my higher self. Everything is energy, positive and negative energy. Remember all that crap in school about atoms and molecules, nuetrons, protons, nucleuses and all that stuff that makes up everything? I don't, because I was probably sleeping or day-dreaming during that time. I never really wanted to be at school and seldom paid attention except in P.E. I just went because it was what you were supposed to do so I went. Luckily my parents made me go and I thank them for it but usually all I did was just dream about motorcycle racing. All I wanted back then was a Suzuki RM80. That was the answer to all my problems. What happens to all that energy? Where does it all go? The body is a container for life's energy but when the body dies where does all that energy go? Does it go to heaven?
Today I realized that I have so much more respect for all the 'weekend warriors' out there, myself included because I used to be one too, than I do for the professional bike racers. Sure, if I meet a pro bike racer I imagine that I'd get that feeling of admiration inside and wish I knew what it felt like for a day and they would deserve some respect for all the hard work they put in to get where they are but the 'weekend warrior' is where its at. They're the foundation for all racing. They drive hundreds of miles in their own car, pay for the gas and hotels, pay for the entry fees, tear up their body and their equipment, spend all their extra money on just getting to the races to have a shot at winning. And don't forget all the training they do during the week before and after work, even on their lunch breaks. Most everyone is doing it clean too, and I think that its super-cool, its positive, its love for riding and racing, and thats what the cycling world needs and I want to help spread all of those things one bicycle at a time.
Oh yeah, I wrote this whole spill and I forgot to say that although I know I'll probably never be a Armstrong supporter, and I hope that he has to confess and pay for his wrongdoings, I want to say that I hope he comes out of it a better person and I hope that others do forgive him and that he can resume a normal, happy, peaceful life. I want to wish him well, I hope he finds his higher self.
I don't have a problem with him doping. Big deal, everyone was doing it, I understand why he did it to some extent, and I don't even care. I do want the truth to come out though, and its rapidly coming, day after day. My problem is that I don't, and never did, like Lance Armstrong as a person. I didn't like his cocky, Big Tex attitude and I didn't like seeing him just destroy everyone in the races with a smirk. There was one moment that I remember thinking that I was happy for Armstrong and it was after he won his first Tour. I still didn't actually like him but I thought that it was a good story that a man who battled cancer had come back from the deathbed and not only raced again but won the Tour de France. Lets face it, thats amazing. Thats the only slight moment I ever thought, "Good for him." Then, during the second one, I wanted him to get beat. Jan Ullrich was one of my favorite riders because of his time-trialing style and because I thought he could actually do it, or so I thought, and so he was my only hope to put Lance in his place. Josephe Beloki was good, and I was pulling for him when Ullrich wasn't around but I kinda knew that Beloki wasn't quite man enough to do it, or thats what I felt anyway. I just hoped anyone would beat him, I didn't care who, anyone, Iban Mayo, Pantani, just anyone. I truly disliked Armstrong. During the month of July every year for six straight years I sat on my sofa watching the tour, sometimes falling to my knees and praying, "Just let someone crack his ass on this mountain!", and then he'd attack and drop everyone like they were nobody at all. I ached all over. I hated him and thats my problem. It takes a lot of energy out of you to hate or to genuinely dislike someone, hate is such a strong word. Everytime something bad comes out against Lance, the old me rejoices inside a little, I feel happiness in his misery and failure and I know its wrong. Let me remind you that I've been working on this for quite a while and I'm far along and away from what this little story will make it sound like, it truly doesn't bother me much anymore, I've moved on for the most part but there is still a part of me inside that feels good and probably will continue to get some satisfaction out of his falling. After Contador beat him at his own game I was pretty much ok after that. The king was dead and I began to heal. But now its going much further than I ever anticipated and it almost feels like, "The king is dead and no longer a threat but lets cut off his head too." I understand that people want to get to the absolute bottom of this and its really the only way that the sport of bicycle racing can move forward. Burn it to the ground, clean the slate, and rebuild. I want this for myself too so that it might kill that little bit of my former self that still remains inside of me who enjoys seeing Lance fall. Its already happened but I think that until he confesses it will never completely heal. This isn't the end of my story and its in no way, shape, or form the end of my problems. Lance is not my problem, I'm not sure what is but its not Lance.
The last year or so I've been reading a couple of books and listened to some audio books as well as other things that has put me on a mission to find my higher self. I'm not trying to get to deep or anything but I just want to be working on being the best person that I can be at everything that I do as I grow older. Let me just stop and say, dude, I'm a long way away, but the thought is in my mind and I want to just make as much progress as I can in a reasonable manner, try to tap into as much of that positive energy out there that I can. It kinda feels like, "I know I'm not gonna win this race, and I don't know exactly where I'm gonna finish, but I want to do the best that I can." I want to learn as much as possible about myself, others, and the world in general as I can, what else is there to do. Keep in mind we're all mainly concentrating on making a living for ourselves and our families, and thats priority number one, but whenever I can work on learning something new I want to take advantage of it. I don't plan on entering a new dimension or anything but it would be neat to find a step or an entrance into some sort of energy source that is available to anyone that tries to find it. You know, kinda like Jesus did. He truly loved and forgave everyone for their imperfections and he rose above it all, of course he also got crucified. Imagine you're out in space looking down on the Earth, now imagine all the people in the world, and all the crazy things that are going on, imagine life and death. Now what importance does the Lance Armstrong saga really have in all that. Not much, but if you're into cycling or bike racing it just won't go away. I can't imagine how much weight must be pressing down on his shoulders right now. He is a strong man, a great athlete, but I bet that if you got to his core he's no different than you and I. He's just another person in the world, just like us, although he's got a ton of problems right now. I think he's stupid as I've always thought he was stupid, not in racing or in competition, not in being number one, he is a master of all those things, but I think he's stupid because for all that he's done and been through he can't see that all he has to do is say, "Yeah, I did it.", and everyone will start to forgive him, they'll start to embrace him again, and he can start to rebuild that empire that he so loves.
Like every amateur bike racer has done at one time or another I used to think that I would love to be a pro. Get paid to ride and race your bike every day, travel the world, and maybe get famous. I never got closer than Cat 2 but I'm just thankful that I had that opportunity and also that I'm still able to ride. I could even start racing again if I wanted. I love riding now more than ever, although I do a lot less of it and I'm quite a bit slower. Alot of times when I'm riding I burden myself with these thoughts that I'm just not going fast enough, and worse, I'm getting slower. I try to make peace with it and I'm ok with it to some degree but it still bothers me when I feel like I'm just not going hard enough. How fast am I supposed to go? I'm not training for anything, I don't race anymore, but I just think I'm not going fast enough. Why am I mad at myself for this? If it was really important to me I would be out there working at it trying to get faster but now I'm more interested in frame building and trying to find my higher self. Anyway I'm pretty sure I've gone as fast as I'm gonna go, but from time to time I still get that urge to give it a dig and after 30 seconds of "SUFFERAMA" I'm disappointed in myself. Is this why I'm taking enjoyment out of someone else's failure because I'm not fast enough? I don't want to do that. For the most part I don't feel like that toward people, I'm fairly sympathetic toward everyone and everything but not with Lance Armstrong and I feel that its pathetic on my part and thats one of the things that is preventing me from tapping into my higher self. Everything is energy, positive and negative energy. Remember all that crap in school about atoms and molecules, nuetrons, protons, nucleuses and all that stuff that makes up everything? I don't, because I was probably sleeping or day-dreaming during that time. I never really wanted to be at school and seldom paid attention except in P.E. I just went because it was what you were supposed to do so I went. Luckily my parents made me go and I thank them for it but usually all I did was just dream about motorcycle racing. All I wanted back then was a Suzuki RM80. That was the answer to all my problems. What happens to all that energy? Where does it all go? The body is a container for life's energy but when the body dies where does all that energy go? Does it go to heaven?
Today I realized that I have so much more respect for all the 'weekend warriors' out there, myself included because I used to be one too, than I do for the professional bike racers. Sure, if I meet a pro bike racer I imagine that I'd get that feeling of admiration inside and wish I knew what it felt like for a day and they would deserve some respect for all the hard work they put in to get where they are but the 'weekend warrior' is where its at. They're the foundation for all racing. They drive hundreds of miles in their own car, pay for the gas and hotels, pay for the entry fees, tear up their body and their equipment, spend all their extra money on just getting to the races to have a shot at winning. And don't forget all the training they do during the week before and after work, even on their lunch breaks. Most everyone is doing it clean too, and I think that its super-cool, its positive, its love for riding and racing, and thats what the cycling world needs and I want to help spread all of those things one bicycle at a time.
Oh yeah, I wrote this whole spill and I forgot to say that although I know I'll probably never be a Armstrong supporter, and I hope that he has to confess and pay for his wrongdoings, I want to say that I hope he comes out of it a better person and I hope that others do forgive him and that he can resume a normal, happy, peaceful life. I want to wish him well, I hope he finds his higher self.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Bmx Fail Compilation-Long live Youth
I've always had respect for free-stylers whether its on a BMX bike or skateboard. For every sweet move they pull off you can bet that they've crashed fifty times trying to get it dialed in. This video has some everyday crashes, some that make you laugh, and some that make you draw up and cringe. Enjoy.
Factory Support
This is Branton Moore at a cross race in Little Rock this past weekend. They had two days of racing with a good turnout on some tough courses. Branton suffered some mechanical issues on this Saturday night. What can you say, cyclocross is a tough sport. As hard as it is on the riders its even harder on the bikes, thats why there is always more people watching races than riding in them.
Anybody that follows the blog knows this cat, he was there also sporting the new MEECH cycling apparel. This is clearly before the race as everything is so clean. Larry had a solid Saturday night with a 9th in the A class and then on Sunday a tree bit him in the first turn. He had to whip the tree first to get his bike back and then started chasing. Not sure where he finished but I'm all sure he was racing, he never stops. Thanks Yancey!
This is Jeremy Ellis from Little Architect & Associates in Jonesboro. They're one of our sponsors on our team kits. Jeremy and a group of 5 others just did a 300 mile ride in under 24 hrs. for DARE, they picked a heckuva weekend to do it to. Storms started blowing in not long after they clipped in, rained on them all night long, and then the cold overcast blanketed them all the way to Louisiana, but they made it. 'Never say Die'. Good ride guys. Thanks Jeremy for sporting the MEECH logo.
Here the boys are after their arrival at the state line. Wonder if they raced for it? The riders are Jeff Chastain, Spencer Guinn, Andy Shatley, Jeremy Ellis, Brandon Siegal, and Jeff Herren. I may have spelled some names incorrectly so next time you see me in Jonesboro you can slap me straight. Love ya. I would call this an epic ride. Can't wait to hear some stories about this one. Nice job guys!
Jeff Chastain flexing after 300 miles. I'm guessing that bike felt a little heavier than usual.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Good Boy
Yesterday my wife said something to our dog Dizzy that made me immediately think of Lance Armstrong. She said, "Good boy, you did a big poo."
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Something Finished

I painted the brake bridge to contrast. Did I really need to tell you that? No, but I'm trying to make up for my lack of writing.
Jen-u-whine carbonified fiber chainstay 'slaption protector.' Ok, I'm inventing words now.
This is what threw me off. Enve's logo is just too cool to paint over so in an effort to let the world see it I left it unpainted. The black of the carbon fiber is not exactly the same color black as the MEECH logo so thats where I feel like they don't totally meld. However you know where they do meld? This frame and fork are built for one another and will roll beautifully with one another so these two shades of black are just gonna have to get along. Its all about the ride.
Overall I was pretty pleased with this paint job however I did have a couple of spots of overspray and this is one of them. Just when you think you have everything taped off frome even one paint particle getting through you peel all the paper and tape off to find that you left a small opening and you're gonna pay the toll. Its not gonna slow it down one bit. Black on yellow is a tough one and doesn't allow much room for error.
Not an exact match but it will work. Throw a white stem on it, perhaps a different colored saddle, some bar tape, maybe some wheels that have some white on them, one white spoke would be really cool, come on, use your imagination and you'd be surprised how good this frameset will look.
MEECH, handmade in Mountain Home, Arkansas. Come visit!
I think Dizzy may have outgrown his bed, it doesn't matter though because he's always sleeping in ours. He jacks the covers all up. Half the time I'm freezing with the corner of a sheet while he has the blankets, pillows, and all. Then he wakes up all fired up ready to go run. Dizzy consumes a little more time than I imagined but he's worth it, we love him.
Thanks for checking things out and I will try to be posting a little more frequently. Chao amigos, love ya!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Martyn Ashton - Road Bike Party
You've probably already seen this but I thought I'd post it anyway. Some pretty amazing riding here. Turn the volume down cause the music SUCKS!
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