This is my good friend and local Cat 3 Jonesboro native Larry Yancey. We just call him el Hombre Peligroso (a bad man). He has been a part of R&D at MEECH Custom Bikes since we began. Sometimes when I was watching him ride the bike I would cringe thinking he was gonna break the frame for sure but after close to a year of beating the molasses out of it I am happy to say that it is still in one piece and even has a couple of state championships on it. Last year Larry won the Tennessee CX Championships on a MEECH and it felt good to take a first place, however in all fairness it was probably more Larry's legs than my frame but when I heard that he threw some 23c tubulars and a pair of clip-ons on it and won the Arkansas State TT I was totally stoked, I have always loved the versatility of 'cross bikes but this takes it to a whole new level. Good job! I would also like to mention that the Jonesboro boys cleaned up this year at the event, Trent Talley, Mike Suminski, and a host of others posted some fast times and brought home the swag. They love racing in Jonesboro, Arkansas so if you are ever there let 'em take you out for a spin but I am giving you fair warning, they will attack you faster than you can say cowboys and indians. Send me some more photos. Chao.