Saturday, April 4, 2015

MEECH's Greek Salsa Recipe

I know this is supposed to be a blog about bicycle stuff, but anyone who visits here from time to time knows that I throw out a bunch of random posts that have no rhyme or reason.  If I stumble onto something that may seem interesting chances are that I'll post it, if for no other reason than to have something fresh for viewers to check out.  If it's something you can eat, even better.  I posted a while back about how I was trying to cut out all the junk food and eat a little better and for the most part I have been successful.  I still eat some sweets but not the "tear open the wrapper, stuff it in your face kind". I've been trying to eat more fruits and nuts (they're usually covered in chocolate), but hey it's a start, and I think I can feel the difference.  Last night I made and devoured some Jello Pudding, but its half milk so I consider that semi-healthy.  But here's a little recipe that I stumbled onto while experimenting with making homemade gyros.  I posted that video a while back and have used it a handful of times since.  This salsa recipe here is a little take off that.  It's super-easy and only has a handful of ingredients, mostly inexpensive ones.  Yesterday I made some and I kicked it up a notch in order to make it more of a meal.  So a couple of ingredients shown here aren't really necessary. Let's check it out.

This photo is a bit blurry but it shows everything and will have to work.
These are all the ingredients (and extra) needed in the amounts that i like, however there is no specific amount for any of the ingredients and you can add more or less of whatever you like.  Here are the basics:

1/2 cucumber peeled and diced
1/2 cup of diced fresh tomatos
1/2 cup of diced Kalamata olives (not black olives)
1/2 cup of diced red onions (I use less so that the onions don't overpower it)
2 tablespoons of olive oil 
2 tablespoons of white wine vinegar
Throw in a little black pepper and garlic powder for extra flavor.
crackers of your choice

This is the basic recipe and its full of flavor, but yesterday I diced up a few shrimp and threw in some crumbled feta cheese and turned this into my lunch.  If you wanted, you could even throw in some diced pepperoni, salami, or bacon and take it over the top.

This is about how much you'll get out of the quantities that I used.  Like I said before, you can add or subtract to dial it in to your specific taste. Let this stuff get real cold and its excellent on a hot day at the lake or hanging out at the crit races.  I eat this stuff by the pound and I've noticed that it's making me faster. Hope you like it and that I haven't bored you too bad.  Have a good weekend.

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