Sunday, April 5, 2015

Flanders Photos

Awe, that doesn't look so bad.

Looks like trying to ride out of a hole.  Throw a little rain on those slick bricks and this will turn into a 5k run.
You can check out some more pics of todays race and watch the race live on Steephill TV.
This is a shot of the bike that Alexander Kristoff will be riding.  I took this photo off of and this might be one of the ugliest bikes that I've ever seen.  Is that bicycle square? If my team handed this to me at the starting line of a race (or training ride) I would probably vomit a little on my jersey, if for no other reason than to distract people from looking at my bike. Sweet paint job!  What color is that, Laundry Room Beige? I'd rather ride something that looked like an Easter egg than this. Know what would ride nicely across all those cobbles?  A steel frame.

UPDATE: What are the odds that the one bike I pick out to make fun of actually wins the race? Guess what? I have to admit that Kristoff was making it look light and fast. So I got to give credit where its due.  Hats off to him.

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