A great group of frame building guys and gals. Its a pleasure to know you all.
Just got back from the Texas Custom Bicycle Show and it went great. I met a bunch of good bike riding folks as well as got to see the builders that I so wish I lived closer to. They all build some really sweet stuff and I would love to be able to hang out with them on a more regular basis. You're gonna kill me when I tell you that I didn't take any pictures. I took a camera and had planned on having photos of everything that was going on but it was pretty non-stop once it got started. You bust your hump to set everything up and about the time you finish the people start rolling in and it turns into what seems like a timeless event. All I did while I was there was talk and try to remember to drink water. I normally don't talk alot so to talk to people all day long had me a bit out of my element but I loved every minute of it. As soon as we cleaned everything up and had it packed in the car me and my sidekick Larry Yancey were rolling east to find the Dallas Kart Complex. Oh man, if only I had taken some photos and videos of that experience. We were racing shifter karts until the place closed down. My body was all beat up cause my lanky arse didn't quite fit in those little race cars but I squeezed in there and stood on the gas for as many laps as I could. Unbelievable fun. We were planning to go hit the cross race down the street from the show on Sunday but after waking up slow and thinking about the long drive home we bailed on the race, and I'm not sure but I think Yancey was wanting to stop at the go-kart track on the way home, ok, we both wanted to, unfortunately it was closed when we got there. I don't take many road trips these days so I try to get in as much as possible in a few short days as I can and that means that I don't get to hang out with everyone as long as I would like to and that hurts a little because they're are so many cool folks out there. Next year after the show we are all gonna load up and go to the go-kart track and yes there will be some photos and videos from that, maybe some blood as well. Thanks to Glenn and all the guys/gals that worked to make the show happen and thanks to everyone who stopped by the MEECH booth. I love you all. Chao amigos.

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