Monday, October 29, 2012


This is one of my very best friends Mohammed Jam Afana.  We met each other about 10 years ago when we both showed up in  Granada, Spain at the same time and were living in the same homestay.  He and I did one of the most memorable bike rides that I've ever done from Granada to Salobrenya.  It was a memory that will never fade.  We've remained close all these years that have passed and now he is working at the University of London in Canada.  He has always supported me in all of my adventures and I am amazed at all the things he has done since I first met him.  Its an honor to have him in a MEECH team kit as he will always be a part of MEECH.  Looking good amigo.  Que quapo!  Hasta luego.

Perfect fit.  El Aguila.

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