Thursday, January 18, 2018


I finished getting the frame all cut and fit today and had planned on tacking it but realized I don't have the bottom bracket shells with the serial number back from the engraver yet so I'm gonna have to find some other stuff to work on until they arrive. I was bummed because here lately things have been flowing pretty good and I was trying to keep the momentum up. I've been getting to spend some quality time in the shop and that makes me feel more like a frame builder, and building bicycle frame makes me feel more like a cyclist, and riding keeps my mind clear. If I scan the shop for more than a few seconds I can easily find something that I started working on and then put on the sidelines for something else. First thing I see is a carbon fiber saddle that I started back in the summer. It will get done eventually but as one of my art teachers used to tell me, "You need to always be working around the canvas and not just focus on one area." Sometimes I think I took that too literal as I look around at a half dozen unfinished projects laying around me. Coincidentally, yesterday, I called about trying to find some art instruction for the near future. It's been some 20 years since the last time and I've  been wanting to create some different paint schemes and figured some professional help might help get the creative juices flowing. Besides, all these side projects are more fun than say sweeping up the shop.

Just a quick glance over to my desk reveals unfinished projects. I can't remember if I've posted a pic of this or not. I'll try to get it finished up. Me arse isn't exactly looking forward to it.
There's also an unfinished (uh-hmm, never started) carbon fiber bicycle pump on my desk. What can I say, frame building is priority number one. Actually Jack is priority #1, frame building is a close 2nd.

It's starting to really bother me that I can't focus the camera squarely on the subject. I've noticed it's always leaning to the left. I'm guessing it has something to do with me but luckily I have the level to back me up on this, otherwise I could be riding my bicycle in circles to the left. Left hand corners are definitely my favorite but never really problems hanging to the right.

This is a little better.

Always clean the surfaces of the components you're brazing, welding, bonding, etc. It's crucial. I think it helps increase the internal fillet as well.  I can't remember if I've ever tried to braze tubes together without removing the coating on the inside of the tube or not but why chance it. Good clean scuffed up surface wiped down with acetone and it's good.
Trying to braze without my reading glasses results in wasted silver.

It's gonna be sitting like this for a few days. The bottom bracket shells aren't supposed to be back until mid-next week. That saddle may get done after all.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. (consider) using a tripod for your camera.

  2. I think that is a very good idea. I just need to take the time to do so. Thank you Daniel!

  3. Like the seat! Meech in yellow down each side! You may have to send that to R&D for durability testing. The usual under extreme race conditions test.

  4. Bad thing about Kevlar underwear is they take up as much space in a drawer as a carbon time trial helmet. I haven't figured out how to make'em foldable.
