Sunday, October 22, 2017

Latest Frame

Finally got something finished up to post. As simple as this paint scheme looks it took me a while to get it right. I can be pretty picky at time, especially when my name is on something. I don't think I can ever say I'm completely satisfied but at some point you just have to lay it down and let it be. After all, it was built to be ridden, not looked at. But I like looking at them. This is more of an older, traditional style frameset but I tried to give it more of a modern twist, or maybe just a MEECH twist. It's funny, I was really excited to start building this frame, it started with the fork, and then I've worked on it so long that the excitement had worn off. But the other day while I was shooting these pictures and really looking at the bike I became excited again and thought, "I want to ride this bike." Then I realized that it's not my size and immediately got bummed out. So then of course my reaction was, "Now I have to build one for me."

I wasn't the first one to use these colors of course.

Remember this fork? I know it's been a while. This is a 30c Kenda Kwik tire fitted up under a standard Campy road caliper. It's always nice to have a little extra space if you need it. This bike will make a great winter training bike.

No head badge yet but they're on the way.

Not sure where this idea came from, the ideas just come and I have to do them or I can't rest and move on to the next one. Kinda like the Lords of Dogtown frame or the Frankenstrat frame.

I used to run this number on one of my mx bikes years ago. Novice class of course.

Stencils by my good friend Vince Pearcy.

My good friend Lance rolling his MEECH through the Vegas desert. Beautiful photo Lance. Makes me wish I was with you guys.

Here is a pic of the frame Lance has been rolling on for the last handful of years.
Thanks for stopping by!

MEECH Custom Bicycles
handmade in 
Jonesboro, Arkansas

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Recent Work

Few pics that been laying around on my camera forever. I should've put these up 3 weeks ago but.... oh well. The good news is I should have some painted pics here is just a couple of days. Been spending quite a bit of time substituting at a couple local schools here to make some extra cash. Way more time than I'd like to but they've been shorthanded a lot and i hate to turn them down. Hopefully I can get this frame painted by the end of this week. Gonna be some sweet colors. Anyway, not much to say about these, you've seen most of this stuff before but this frame is gonna make a sweet riding little bike. Can't wait to get it finished up.

It's nice when you throw the frame on the alignment table and really don't have to touch it. The level doesn't mean it's perfect, I have a height gauge for that, but it let's you know you're pretty close.

This becomes the result when you don't pay close enough attention to the dremel tool you're doing clean-up work with. I let it slip and it left a little scar in the top tube that I couldn't live with. Would it have affected the frame? Most likely not because it was in the thicker part of the butting however you don't want to take a chance on a fracture on down the road, so it comes out. As if there aren't enough delays. That internal fillet is a little bit overkill. Good lord. There's more brass on the inside than the outside. Gonna have to pull the reigns in a bit.

You can see the gouge in this pic, just right below the fillet. It can happen fast, about a split-second to do the damage and then it takes the better part of a day to fix it. As my dad used to say, "Walk it off."

Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Viva El Pistolero

Hate to see this guy go. Gonna be a big hole in professional bicycle racing without Alberto Contador. Nobody quite like him. Watching him bounce around on the pedals going up a mountain was one of my favorite things to see during a bike race. There will probably never be another 
3-week tour that sees one man attack so many times. He'll be missed.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Back To Work

It's been a while since I had anything to post because Jack had a couple of weeks off for summer break but I finally got back in the shop and got a little done these past couple of days. I used to think that when Jack got old enough to walk around that he and I would go over to the shop and he could play and keep himself busy while I got some frame building done but it hasn't worked out like that at all. He's always getting into something or wants the tool that's in my hand and I really get nothing done at all. Whenever he does come into the shop he wants to go to the paint room. He always says, "We need to look at this one." That means he has picked out a color and he wants to open it up. But don't do it! He can make a mess of things in the blink of an eye. The other day I opened up a can of blue paint just to let him look at it and we both had blue paint on us before I could say dammit. I try not to say curse words around him but there are those moments...well, you know. Anyway I've learned my lesson about opening paint cans. On the next frame that i decide to do some funky paint scheme i may let him have a go and see what kind of mark he leaves. He'll love it. Anyway, I got this frame all cut, mitered, and tacked over the past couple days and wanted to post something in the name of frame building so here it is. Gonna try to lay down some fillets here shortly so hopefully will have a few more in a couple days.