Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Back To Work

It's been a while since I had anything to post because Jack had a couple of weeks off for summer break but I finally got back in the shop and got a little done these past couple of days. I used to think that when Jack got old enough to walk around that he and I would go over to the shop and he could play and keep himself busy while I got some frame building done but it hasn't worked out like that at all. He's always getting into something or wants the tool that's in my hand and I really get nothing done at all. Whenever he does come into the shop he wants to go to the paint room. He always says, "We need to look at this one." That means he has picked out a color and he wants to open it up. But don't do it! He can make a mess of things in the blink of an eye. The other day I opened up a can of blue paint just to let him look at it and we both had blue paint on us before I could say dammit. I try not to say curse words around him but there are those moments...well, you know. Anyway I've learned my lesson about opening paint cans. On the next frame that i decide to do some funky paint scheme i may let him have a go and see what kind of mark he leaves. He'll love it. Anyway, I got this frame all cut, mitered, and tacked over the past couple days and wanted to post something in the name of frame building so here it is. Gonna try to lay down some fillets here shortly so hopefully will have a few more in a couple days.  


  1. I knew a guy that drank a beer or 6 while painting a bedroom with the help of his son. His son decided to paint the fiurniture after his dad painted the walls. At least it matched

  2. A 6-pack can add so much dimension to a project.
