Sunday, December 18, 2016

Little Gravel Road Side Project

Been casually working on a gravel road bike with flat-mount brakes.  I've been softly filing away this chain stay to make the brake mount fit. This is one of the trickier pieces that I've had to make fit and you definitely need to have your head on straight (not building a house) in order to get it right. Needless to say, it's still not done and won't be for a few more weeks until my head gets back to Planet Bicycle. 

At first it seemed a little hard, or rather dangerous, to eliminate this much of the chain stay however when you look at the thickness and weight of the piece that will be brazed in I don't think there should be a problem. Even with almost half the tube filed out, it still seems rather strong.

Paragon top-shelf componentry. 
They now have dropouts with the flat-mount already built in however when I started this frame they did not. And to be perfectly honest, I've just kinda been making this thing up as I go. Initially I wasn't planning on flat-mount style brakes but after looking into it further it seemed like the way to go.

It's close, but I'm not lighting any cigars yet.

Few more pics of the carbon frame I finished up a while back. I may have already posted these. I can't remember, much, of, anything, at all, these days. I'm secretly hoping that the part of my mind that has been taken from me over this last year will somehow gradually start to come back. Some people have told me it won't and to let it go, but you know me, I like to dream. Just remember, as the once famous Jack Handy wrote, "If you're ever walking around the rim of a volcano, and you drop your keys down into the molten lava, just forget'em man, cause they're gone."

Dedacciai carbon dropouts.

I had to look at this for a while before I even realized what it was. Have fun.

This turned out nice.

I'll probably be away for a while but I'll try to come up with something to post. It'll probably be something like a Santa riding a bike because at the moment I've got nothing.

Thanks for stopping by.

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