Sunday, May 3, 2015

Nate's 30c Road Frame

It's taken me a while but I finally got all the finish work done on Nate's frame. Getting things done in a timely manner seems to be a challenge these days.  Tomorrow I'm gonna lay down some primer and get it ready for painting.  Here are a couple of pics of the raw frame before we put a face on it.

I thought I would show this one brazing photo because after I finished it I said to myself that it had to be my best fillet brazed to date. I know it probably doesn't look any different from the rest of them but somethings you just know.  When they come out like this it lessens the clean-up work.  Let's go check out the rest of the frame.

These holes are offset for a reason.  The larger one is for the cable guide and it permits the straightest line to the rear derailleur cable stop.  The smaller one is simply to let water out of the bottom bracket shell should you go for a rain ride.  Needless to say, clean your bike good after a rain ride.

My favorite brake bridge.

This is my favorite part about this frame and its right up the alley of my way of thinking.  We got a 30c tire here tucked in nicely under a standard brake caliper.  Depending on the brand of tire you may even get a 32c tire in there.  This is the "go anywhere, year-round road bike".

Let's paint it!

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