Saturday, January 3, 2015

Health Food

Ok, I know this doesn't have anything to do with bicycles or frame building but if you classified it under the heading "Health Food" then I suppose I might get away with it.  I've had trouble getting work done due to the holidays and waiting on materials to show up. But now the holidays are over and my supplies should be on the way so hopefully I'll have some frame building pics before to long.  Anyway, I stumbled onto this video today for homemade gyros  and I just had to try it.  Its not anymore complicated than making a meat loaf, actually that all it is, and the taste is excellent.  The gyros have always been a huge favorite of mine, so whenever I come across them I usually buy one, but these homemade ones blow the street gyros away.  You can spice up the meat any way you like, make your own tzatziki sauce, and this kalamata salsa will set it over the top.  And then if you'd like to take it to the 'Outtareach Level',  just sprinkle some crumbled feta over it.

Next new thing I'm gonna try to make is tamales.  Sounds easy enough, huh? 

I gotta go.  Sweet Virginia is telling me to get back out in the shop and build some frames.  

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