Thursday, November 20, 2014

Finish Work

Finished doing the clean-up work on Christian's frame this afternoon and I'm hoping to get some primer on it in the next few days.  We're still waiting on the fork to show up but hopefully it won't be too much longer.  This frameset is built very similar to the Niner cross frame that Christian has, but we tweaked a couple of things to make it more to his liking.  I had really never paid attention to the Niner cyclocross bike as I always just thought of them as a mountain bike company, however, after looking at it I couldn't help but to like it.  Its a good looking frameset, pretty racey.  Anyway, Christian said he was ready to get back on some steel and so here we have it. I've been cleaning up the brazing for the last couple of days and I'm pretty happy with how it all turned out.  Let's check it out.

That little spot on the seat tube fillet is driving me crazy.  After seeing this photo, I immediately went to look at the frame and see how this got by me.  This photo makes it appear much larger than it is. I bet you a chili dog that is won't be there tomorrow.  You can literally knit-pick yourself crazy trying to make everything perfect.  At some point you got a let it go and get the customer their frame.  Chances are they're wanting to ride it.

This is the first frame I've built since little Jack arrived and its also the first MEECH 2015 frame.  Not knowing how much work I would be able to get done made me think this frame might not be done until 2015.  I managed to get this thing finished before Anne goes back to work, but when she starts back in a week or so it'll be interesting. I'll probably have to rearrange a few things but I'll manage.  Fortunate for me is that all my customers have been very patient, and I appreciate it.  I've never liked making people wait on me.  When it comes to a group ride, if I'm lagging  I tell 'em to ride on without me.   

Not your everyday cable stop.  Got a handful of these from Ceeway out of the UK.  They have a variety of things that you can't find in the states.  This is actually upside down on the chain stay.  I'm sure you already knew that.

Little fish tail on the ends of the stays.

I love this seat stay bridge. Who needs a tubing bender.

Who doesn't love a curvy rear-end.

I got a new tool!  Actually its just a new cutter.  I finally bought a 52mm headtube reamer.  This is only the second tapered head tube frame that I've built.  The first one I cleaned up by hand and it took all day.  With this cutter it took about a minute.  Very smooth.

The bearings fit perfect.  Love it!

Look how small the old standard 1" and 1 1/8" head tube reamers look compared to the newer stuff.  The 1 1/8" integrated cutters are on the left and the new 52mm is in the middle along with the mega 65mm, or perhaps 69mm facer.  I can't remember which one at the moment.  I've got a 44mm somewhere that hasn't even been used.

Well, I'm about to fall asleep.  I've been yawning every since I started this post so I gonna crash.  I'm gonna try and get some primer on this thing shortly and after its painted I'll share the end result.  Thanks for stopping by.  Chao.

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