Saturday, October 11, 2014

Recent Brazing Work

These photos aren't much different than any other brazing shots that I post but I'm determined to turn these into the nicest fillets I've done to date.  Only time will tell though.
I tried to slow things down a bit and focus on laying them down as smooth as I could in order to have only minimal cleanup work.  Few more braze-ons and then the real work starts.

I've had this older rear wishbone lug laying around for a while now and decided to incorporate it into this frame.  Now I'm looking for a nice fork lug that will match up to it nicely.


  1. Yo Meech,
    Get one of those matching crowns from Andy N

  2. Hey partner, good to hear from you and thanks for the info. Haven't talked in quite. I hope you and your family are doing well. Cheers!
