Saturday, September 13, 2014

Contador Looking Good

Little Al has almost sealed the deal in this year's Vuelta.  Froome has been close enough to keep Contador on his toes, however today Al put things in place the way he thought they should be.  This year's Tour of Spain was another good one.  All that is left is a short 10k time trial and depending on the course I wouldn't be surprised if el Pinto wins that as well.  I'm more than certain he's not gonna give up a minute and a half.  Its amazing what this little dude is capable of.  His physical toughness is one thing however his mental toughness is almost out of reach.  I can't help but to like him and I was truly happy to see him stamp some authority onto Chris Froome.  Nothing against Froome, as he is one hardcore racer, but everyone knows that I always favor the spanish racers a bit more. always post a short video of the last part of the stage, so if you missed the live coverage you can check out the race for the line.

I know I've been lagging on proper posts here lately and I can't wait to get things back on track.  Bare with me and I'll see you soon.

Last 10 Km of Stage 20 (32:26 English)  eurosport

Last Km of Stage 20

This little guy is the reason I've been dragging my behind and not posting anything. Jack Christopher Harris was born on August 28 and myself and Anne have been trying to get ourselves up to speed on how to take care of a kid.  He's making it look like its no hard task in this photo but just wait till he wakes up.
We're in unchartered waters with this guy as this is our first.  He's turning my world upside down making me do things I never thought I'd do.  I've adapted pretty well to changing diapers and losing sleep but I haven't been thrown up on since i was in college.  Of course you can probably guess, I threw up on myself.  

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