Friday, May 30, 2014

Caesar's Frame Ready For Paint

Finally got the clean-up work done on Caesar's frame and with a little luck I should be able to prime it later today or tomorrow.  Anyway, here are a couple of pics in the raw.

New brake bridge, courtesy of Ceeway in Britain.  They have some pretty cool stuff that you can't find here in the states.  Its nice to change things up from time to time, keep it fresh.  I really like the profile of it.

New seat lug as well, sort of.  Its the same one I always order only this time it showed up looking a little different.  Thats ok with me.  It looks a little hairy in this pic but thats just the shaving after cleaning up the cutout.

Nairo Quintana won the time trial today in the Giro and looks to be on his way to taking the Maglia Rosa back to Columbia.  When he was a kid, his family bought him a bicycle in order to ride home from school everyday, he probably rode to school as well but I didn't hear about that part. So anyway, apparently his house was 16km away from the school, uphill from the school that is.  So everyday after school this kid had to ride home up a mountain tougher than many of us have experienced. "What if it snowed?"  No problem.  You saw how he handled Stage 16 didn't you? Want your kid to be a climber?  Move uphill and tell him he better not be late for dinner or it'll all be gone. He's cool and I'm happy for him.  The Columbians have been lighting it up here recently.  Viva los Columbianos!  Bravo!

Here's another new face to watch out for.  Fabio Aru of Italy looked like he was gonna win the time trial until Quintana gassed it in the final 2-3 kilometros.  

Thanks for stopping by.

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