Saturday, March 15, 2014

Pinstriping by Cory McMahon

I let a local buddy of mine do a little hand pinstriping on the carbon frame.  I worked with Cory McMahon at the 870 Bistro until here lately when it just recently closed.  I enjoyed the working environment and the extra money, not to mention all the lasagna, pizza, and everything else I was eating, but they just didn't have enough business to pay all the expenses.  I'm happy to be back focusing on frame building the majority of the time and am gonna work at amping up MEECH. 

Cory is a local artist who hand paints signs and just about anything else that you'd want done.  He's got a pretty steady hand apparently by the looks of his work.  His dad Mark is the one who does all the engraving work that I use on my BB shells and what not.  I had been planning on getting Cory to do some work on a frame and the carbon frame offered the perfect opportunity.  Here are a couple of photos to check out.  Enjoy the weekend!

Maybe I can get this thing built up here shortly and give it a little test ride.  Thanks for stopping by.

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