Thursday, December 19, 2013

Head Tube is Wrapped

Today I managed to get the front end of my frame wrapped and bagged.  It turned out pretty good.  Everything seems good and tight, feels pretty solid to me.  The head tube looks consistent with the exception of being able to see some of the other layers under the final layer.  I know what caused it and I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.  Basically what happened was I put one layer on top of another and the ends didn't have any overlap so you end up with a little extra height on the corners and it shows through.

Here it is after pulling everything off.  Its gonna require a bit of sanding on any rough spots but for the most part its pretty clean...

...except for this seam down the middle.  No worries.  

I'm gonna try the seat cluster tomorrow if everything goes smooth.  Thanks for stopping by.

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