Saturday, August 31, 2013

More Eurobike Pics

Helmets, helmets, and more helmets.  "Gee Dimitri, for someone who doesn't wear a helmet you sure are posting lots of pics of helmets.  Do you have some sort of secret helmet fetish?"  I like this one because if you notice it is constructed to look similar to the old 'hairnet' style leather helmets that they use to wear years ago.

Little safety built into this one.  This is way cooler than that little blinky light on your seatpost although Lavender wouldn't be my first color choice, it would probably be my last choice, right after getting shot in the face.  I bet Dick Cheney's friend wished he would've wore a helmet with a blinking light on it after that hunting trip.

I like the graphics on this helmet but you need to take off the rubber brush.  If you have to have the rubber brush I think it would be way cooler if it went from the very front to the very back.

Helmets make a great pallet for creative minds.

Look used to be my favorite brand of bicycle but lately they've been incorporating curved tubes into some of their frames and I'm not a fan of that.  This bike doesn't do much for me because they had frames that looked like this 20 years ago.  Actually I think this bike may be 20 years old, I don't even know why I bothered posting this.  They need to pull that wheel in a little bit.  I've seen airplane racers fly through smaller gaps.

This frame is very frame-builderish.

This is the next frame on my 'to-do' list.  A plain ol' ordinary bicycle with a steel lightning bolt brazed into the front triangle.  Come on Euro frame builders, you're losing us.  Check out the guy on the right with the long black coat, shorts, sneakers, and of all things he's wearing Lance Armstrong style socks.  What a dick, both him and Armstrong.  Whoops, my bad.  After looking a little closer this guy is not wearing a long black coat like i thought, so he is not a dick.  He actually has some nice calves.  But Armstrong is still a dick.

This is nice.  Very similar to the White Brother's Rock Solid Rigid fork.

Sorry about this post.  I couldn't find much cool stuff after Day 1.  We should get back to Spain and la Vuelta.  Theres always action there.  Its fixing to get good.  Its probably getting good right now.  Vamos!

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