Thursday, February 14, 2013

Wednesday's Work

I can't believe how long its been since I actually did some fillet-brazing and while I wasn't worried about forgetting how I did feel a little rusty at first, but in the end I was able to lay down some of my nicest fillets.  I think that because I was still a little sick that I was just  extremely careful, took my time, and was really focused and they turned out better than I would've imagined.  Still got the clean-up work ahead but the better the fillets the less clean-up is needed.  Ever heard the saying "slow down to go fast"?  Sometimes its true.

Its hard to tell here but the seat tube is ovalized with the width of the BB shell and I like the way the fillet looks on it and the overall look.

Nothing new here, just a brazed chain stay junction and a lop-sided camera angle.  I'm always leaning a little to the right with the camera for some reason.  I have to make a conscious effort to line everything up because what appears to be straight to me at the moment is usually just a little off.

Some photos make it easier to overcome.  This isn't my chosen seat stay design for a BMX or mountain bike frame as I'm always concerned about strength, but I brazed these things on as strong as I could and if they come off they're gonna have to rip the sides of the seat tube off with it.  I really want to see this shot after its cleaned up.

Quick shot of the integrated head tube.  The integrated look is a favorite of mine however it does add a small amount of extra weight, just a small amount, I probably shouldn't even of told you.

These are the Park integrated cutters.  These are actually my favorite little stash in my tool box.  They don't get used much so it always seems like a special occasion when I break them out.  They are nice cutters and they leave a perfect fit for the integrated bearings.  
I finally got some new road shoes.  I opted for new old-school look with the laces.  I haven't even had time to put cleats on them yet.  We'll test 'em out here shortly and I'll give you the lowdown.  All I can tell you now is that they are very light and fit like gloves.  Well, gotta take ol'Dizzy for a run before I go to work so I'll catch up to you a little later.  Enjoy.


  1. Dig the vintage shoes Meech, I went retro with a pair of soccer shoes from kmart to complement my 73' schwinn super sport. The SS is fillet brazed as you probably already know. Kyle from Wynne.

  2. Thanks Kyle. Yeah, I've been needing some new shoes for a while and when I saw these were some of the latest from Giro I had to have 'em. Haven't even gotten the cleats on them yet but hopefully soon. Thanks for checking things out.
