Saturday, December 22, 2012

Merry Christmas

Just wanted to take a minute and wish everyone a Merry Christmas.  Fixing to head up to Nashville for a couple of days to visit my mom and sister and her family.  I haven't seen my mom sinced she moved from Jonesboro and I'm not sure when I've last seen my sister and her family but its due time so anyway when i get back I plan on starting some frame building.  I hope everyone out there has a good holiday and brings in the New Year with a bang.  Enjoy.  

Oh yeah, just wanted to say that I did get a slice of that cheesecake that I was chatting off about a couple of days ago, and yes it was good.  I still got it.  Just remember that the main ingredient in anything you make is a whole lotta love.

Get off Santa Claus!  Merry Christmas.

MEECH Custom Bicycles
handmade in
Mountain Home, Arkansas

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