Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Factory Support

This is Branton Moore at a cross race in Little Rock this past weekend.  They had two days of racing with a good turnout on some tough courses.  Branton suffered some mechanical issues on this Saturday night.  What can you say, cyclocross is a tough sport.  As hard as it is on the riders its even harder on the bikes, thats why there is always more people watching races than riding in them.

Anybody that follows the blog knows this cat, he was there also sporting the new MEECH cycling apparel.  This is clearly before the race as everything is so clean.  Larry had a solid Saturday night with a 9th in the A class and then on Sunday a tree bit him in the first turn.  He had to whip the tree first to get his bike back and then started chasing.  Not sure where he finished but I'm all sure he was racing, he never stops.  Thanks Yancey!

This is Jeremy Ellis from Little Architect & Associates in Jonesboro.  They're one of our sponsors on our team kits.  Jeremy and a group of 5 others just did a 300 mile ride in under 24 hrs. for DARE, they picked a heckuva weekend to do it to.  Storms started blowing in not long after they clipped in, rained on them all night long, and then the cold overcast blanketed them all the way to Louisiana, but they made it.  'Never say Die'.  Good ride guys.  Thanks Jeremy for sporting the MEECH logo.  
Here the boys are after their arrival at the state line.  Wonder if they raced for it?  The riders are Jeff Chastain, Spencer Guinn, Andy Shatley, Jeremy Ellis, Brandon Siegal, and Jeff Herren. I may have spelled some names incorrectly so next time you see me in Jonesboro you can slap me straight.  Love ya.  I would call this an epic ride.  Can't wait to hear some stories about this one.  Nice job guys!
Jeff Chastain flexing after 300 miles.  I'm guessing that bike felt a little heavier than usual.

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