Wednesday, August 8, 2012

MEECH atop Mount Ventoux

Steve gave me the heads up the other day that he was gonna put a MEECH on top of Mount Ventoux and as much as this dude rolls I had no reason to doubt him however I wanted to see it to believe it.  Well, here it is.  

Monument at the top of one of the most famous climbs in the Tour de France. As Mike Wurster pointed out to me in the comments this monument is in honor of Tom Simpson who died here during a Tour stage.  I had heard Phil and Paul comment on this various times during the tour but never really knew the story so I looked it up on line.  If you're not familiar with it, its a pretty interesting little story if you have time to check it out.

Yeah baby! Nice climb Steve.  After you climb one of those famous climbs that all the pros do in the tours you always appreciate it much more as you watch them go up it because theres a part of you there.  I appreciate all the cool photos that you've sent of the roads, the foods, and the wine.  It makes me wish I was there rollin with you.   Thanks for flying the MEECH flag.  Next stop the moon.  Adieu.


  1. I believe that monument is for the late Tom Simpson who died there in July 1967.

  2. Ahhh, I didn't know that but it makes sense.

  3. Dude, next year we should rent the spot I stayed at again and ride. I'm already talking to by buddy about it.

  4. That would be super-cool, however going to France and leaving the wife back in Arkansas may be a tough sell. It would definitely be cool though.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
