Saturday, August 25, 2012

La Vuelta esta muy bien.

Man, the Vuelta is heating up nicely.  Joaquim Rodriguez, Chris Froome, Alberto Contador, and Alejandro Valverde are duking it out in a Tour of Spain that is cluttered with climbs.  They broke the mold of grand tours when they designed this year's Vuelta in order to try and make it more exciting and fan friendly and so far 
everything is going to plan.  I've been watching the end of the climbing stages here on Steephill.  The Spanish versions won't play here in the states but the English programming through Eurosport works really well.  Today Contador attacked with 1 K to go and looked to be gaining a few seconds back on Rodriquez and Froome when Valverde put in a last ditch sprint to overtake Alberto on the line.  Froome finally popped and lost about 14 seconds on this stage, but he still has a few in hand over Contador.  Rodriquez from Katusha still has the lead.  Today was stage 8 but I think stages 14,15,and 16 are gonna make for some serious racing between Rodriquez and Contador and we'll see if Froome can hold their wheel. 

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