Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Anne Marie

This is the mixte style frame that I started for my wife who knows how long ago when she told me that she would like a "normal bicycle."  Anyway, I've been working on it a little at a time in between other frame builds and I finally got it painted yesterday.  I let her pick the colors, as I should since its her bike (sometimes I can be a bit controlling when it comes to bicycles), and she chose Hot Lime and Teal Blue. All I can say is I won't question her color choices again.  These two go great together and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out.  Well, ok, I could be a bit happier if I would've noticed a couple of spots that got clearcoated over before I noticed them.  Everything went really smooth right up until I was taping everything off to shoot the blue and since it was 105 degrees it was a little hard to control the sweating and I guess I touched the frame a couple of times when I shouldn't have.  Oh well, lesson learned.  I'm learning there are some conditions when its best just to back off and lay the paint gun down and wait till a better moment.  Luckily you have to look at it really hard to see them.

Hot Lime and Teal Blue pop.  Kinda like Team Liquigas.

"Camera is tilted chief."   Thanks Virginia.

You knew I would do this didn't you?

I tried to shoot a couple of photos to show what it looks like in the shade.

Painted the dropouts front and rear.
This was the first time that I used this stencil on one of my paint jobs.  I was a little nervous because there looks to be a lot going on with it but it really wasn't too bad.
Jen, from Revolution Cycle Jewelry, knocks these sweet head badges out for me. The details that she puts into her work is unreal. Thanks Jen!

I doubt I'll be building too many frames in this style, this may be the one and only Anne Marie.  Here's your bike frame baby.  I'll try to get it built up as soon as possible so you can give me the ride review.  Thanks for being patient.  Love ya!


  1. Hey Mike. No, cuz if I had some Super Record I would put it on my bike. However, the parts on her bike she has now has a lot of Record mixed in and I'm gonna just move it over to this frame. Hopefully I'll get it built up this weekend and have some pics. Check back.
