Monday, May 7, 2012

Wonder if anti-lock is in the works?

Since it looks like disc-brakes on road bikes are only a short time away I started wondering what would be next.  Anti-lock?  Traction control?  You know that your average high-end road racer cost as much as a new motocross bike right now don't you? However with the MXer you get a state-of-the-art motor and a suspension that will let you jump over a bus and not feel the landing.  And Kawasaki is already selling the traction control on their KX. The other day I stumbled across some limited edition Colnago, don't think it had disc-brakes on it, but anyway the retail on it was like $18,000.00.  Por Dios Senor Colnago! Que piensa usted?  It weighed 15.5 lbs., thats over the UCI weight limit, virtually a tank by todays standards.  Funny thing is, somebody will actually buy one.  The other day we got caught out in a little shower and with my worn tires when I would stand up on hills and put a little leg into it my rear wheel was unhooking.  I wouldn't mind a little traction control on my MEECH.  My wife's car has a little bell that lets you know when you are about to back into something.  It starts out really slow and gets faster the closer you get.  I like it.  Maybe we can get something like that on our bikes that tells us when we are about to slam into something head on.  Preferably some sort of robot-like voice that when you are descending a dangerous mountain it could give you a heads up.  "YOU ARE GOING TOO FAST.  PLEASE APPLY BRAKES NOW. YOU ARE GOING TOO FAST.  APPLY BRAKES NOW.  TOO FAST, TOO FAST! STOP YOU CRAZY SOB!  YOU ARE GOING TO KILL US BOTH YOU IDIOT!..........AN  Ambulance is on the way.  NICE RIDE YOU COWBOY!"

Actually, having a robot guy to talk to on those long solo rides isn't that bad of an idea.

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