Friday, May 11, 2012

The Kaiser fessed up, well, sort of.

Jan Ullrich was one of my favorite bike racers of all time.  I used to love the way he would turn his cap around backwards and just time-trial people's legs off.  In velonews this morning
they had a short story about Ullrich publicly admitting some of his past mistakes in his blog.  I'm glad he finally did it.  I always thought he was super-cool and I was kinda certain he used PEDs like everyone else around him, I just wanted him to admit it.  I know Armstrong dominated Ullrich, but Ullrich isn't a dick, he seems much more genuine.  He was fun to watch, both on the bike and off.  He kept things interesting because you never knew what he was gonna do. Besides keeping Armstrong nervous in the Tour all the time he also did some other memorable things.  Like the time he apparently took ectasy at a nightclub and then backed his Porsche into a rack of bicycles and sped off.  And my personal favorite was when he was motor-pacing the day before the Tour prologue and crashed through the rear windshield of his team car.  Thats good stuff.  I can relate.  I once ran into the back of a parked car on the side of the highway and put my head through the back glass.  It broke my Scott CR1 in half right behind the head tube.  The derailleur cables were the only thing holding the two pieces together.  An ambulance came, then the police.  I didn't need an ambulance and the cops just looked at each other and said, "How are we supposed to write this one up?" A friend of mine happened to drive by and offered a ride.  "Where are my sunglasses?"  They were in the back seat of the car under a pile of shattered glass.  It didn't hurt too bad.  If I wouldn't have been wearing that cycling cap it might've messed me up.  My neck still pops a little when I turn to the left.  I would love to meet, or better yet, ride with Ullrich.  We could share those stories.  I think it would be a blast.  I wonder how long Lance Armstrong is gonna carry that bag of rocks around?

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