Saturday, February 11, 2012

Yancey's Race Frame

Just picked Larry's 'cross racing frame up from Ace's Wild.  As you know, cyclocross season is over now however we're always thinking about it here at MEECH and we are already getting prepped for the next season.  We decided to use the paint scheme that I intend to use for MOTO-BICI, which is another one of my ideas that is crawling along at a snails pace.  Anyway, it just looks so racey that I can't get enough of it, I want some more of it. I can't believe I just used some lyrics out of a country song.  I was taught never to hate anything, .... except country music.  Speed metal baby! Ok, Rockabilly is where its at but when you're into racing steel you have to mention speed-metal, I mean come on. 

Theres that signature hot pink "MOTO" swank you're gonna be seeing at the races.  If you're gonna go off-road you hafta go MOTO.  I think I'm gonna name my first born Moto.  With a name like Moto Harris what else could one do except be a  racer?  However, if they happened to become a doctor it wouldn't be a bad thing but I'm not sure if any of my offspring will make it to med-school, I just hope they stay outta reform school.  
Calling Dr. Moto, calling Dr. Moto.

I actually got the idea for this paint scheme off of the old Yamaha YZs.  I was always a Suzuki man myself but the Yamaha YZ had an unmistakable look, and let us not forget the MOTO-BIKE.  

Check out the inside of those sexy fork legs.  Wow, I just had another idea.  No, I'm not tellin, you'll just have to wait and see it when its on the starting line.  Maybe it'll be yours.  

This is actually a front shot of the first frame we painted like this but since I am out of head badges at the moment  I wanted to give you a brief look into the future of this frame.

MEECH Custom Bicycles

Mountain Home, Arkansas

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