A while back I got one of my earlier frames that had been laying around a bike shop for a couple of years. When I first started building I was eager ( probably too eager) to get my frames out there and try to start rounding up some business, and while the frames were ok/rideable they weren't ready to be sold off the showroom floor. So anyway, I always like to kinda clean up the shop and start with a clean slate for the new year, get rid of anything that I don't use, and make use of anything that I can. This particular frame didn't have enough chain ring clearance for some of these newer cranks, actually it did have enough, I had just put a big indentation in the stay, and it kinda flattened it out and made it look unappealing and like the wheel wasn't centered. Since the rest of the frame was fine and was made with some good tubing I decided to cut the rear triangle off and spruce it up a little, a little practice exercise never hurts anyone. I was just gonna put your typical chain stay indentation in it and be done with it but since it was the holiday season I guess I felt festive and decided to do a little custom work. Plenty of chain ring clearance now, huh? There is a little more than needed because I started filing to far back and had to come more toward the bb shell and that led to creeping deeper. I filled it in with a thick piece of head tube material so I think its pretty solid. You could ride a skateboard in it now. Another reason why I decided to fix this frame is because I want to start painting some of my own frames. I've always had the desire to paint one of these things so I'm gonna start practicing and see if its something I want to pursue. I don't really have a painting facility so I'm hoping maybe I can rent some booth time from someone. Ace's Wild Custom does such an excellent job I want them to continue painting the customer's frames, but if i can learn a little about painting maybe I will offer a little discount to those who are willing to let me have my way with their frame. Who knows what you'll get? But like every frame I've ever sold, if you aren't happy with it I'll gladly take it back. Lets get this new year rolling! Chao amigos.

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