Friday, December 2, 2011

How Cyclocross Should Start

This is how you start a race. Line everyone up side by side. Having 5 riders across with 15 rows deep is lame. Its basically just giving a few riders a head start while the guys stuck in mid-pack use everything they have, not to mention take crazy chances just to get in contention. Its not a fair start to a race. I don't care about tradition and all that bs, line everyone up side by side and wave the flag,  if the field is too large for that maybe go a couple deep but when the guys on the first row are going full throttle and have 50 meters with clear vision on someone who is just clipping in, it just sucks. Not only is this way more fair, but way more exciting. And they need to have  women in a bikini carrying a 30 second board around also.  Ok, thats just me being me but a race should be two things, a competition and a show.  If its more enjoyable it will make more money, and that seems to be what everyone wants.


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