Monday, December 19, 2011

Fixie Progress

I made a little progress on the fixed-gear frame this weekend.  This has been a slow build because its not for anyone in particular and what started out as "just gonna build a simple fixie frame because I had some track dropouts laying around",  has turned into a one-off-fest.  I was just gonna throw some drop bars on this thing but then I decided to try my luck with some handmade aero bars.  With a little steel stock that was laying around and some airplane strut tubing from the Spruce I brazed up my first set and they're not so bad.  Let me change that, they're bad, they're "jam beef-mondo bad."  I built them fairly quickly and on Saturday morning I was cleaning up the brazing when I decided to test the strength.  I mounted them in the BB shell fixture on my alignment table and grabbed them on the ends and put a little body weight on them.  I felt a little bend in them before I got the entire $1.60 that I weigh on them. Where the aero tubes were brazed onto the stem tube was folding inward, stem was too light. What do you expect, I'm an ex-racer, I want my bike to weigh nothing.  Damn, not good, screwed-up, wasted time, yeah I was pissed.  Pffff, garbage can.  Wait just a second there hotshot, you can fix these.  So I ripped the bars of the stem, cut the stem tube off about one inch in front of the steerer clamp and used that as an inside lug and slid a larger beefier tube over it, and then re-brazed it with a mondo fillet.  The stem is the "beef", the fillet is "mondo", and the "jam" is just something that sounds sweet, "jam beef-mondo bars."  Now you can do tricep dips on 'em. If you hit a car with these something is gonna get scratched.  I included a couple of pics of the fork.  I still haven't brazed the crown race ring on yet.  I'm out of silver and i can't order any until my new credit card shows up.  Apparently someone got the number off the old one so its best just to change.  You can see the cut-outs I put on the inside of the fork blades so you can get an average sized tire in there.  I've made a couple of mistakes during this build but they were easily fixed and educational so no big deal.  Got a few more fine details before its completed but it will be done before long.  I cannot for the life of me figure out how I want to paint this thing.  Racey. Chao.


  1. This is looking pretty interesting. Kind of want to ride it.

  2. Hey Steve, whats up. Yeah its definitely gonna be one of a kind. I don't think Thor Hushovd could flex these bars. I still have a few more little features in store for it. Check back. Have a good holiday.
