Saturday, August 27, 2011

New Build

Beginning stages of a road frame for Rich up in New York. Starting out with the usual water-tight miters. You can see all the scuff marks around the edges of the miters, this gives the brass some sweet hand-holds for never letting go.  Reminds me, the other day our cat Louie was in a bit of a predicament. He was walking on a skinny branch up in a tree and he slipped.  So he's just hanging on with his front feet wrapped around the branch and his hind legs are trying to find some solid ground, he looked like he was 4 feet tall. Since he was only about 6 feet off the ground  I just let him figure it out for himself.  The branch was bouncing up and down and ol' Lou was looking more like a monkey than a cat, he just wouldn't let go.  Anne and I were on the front porch drinking coffee, mine was coming out of my nose.  After hanging there until he couldn't take the burn anymore he just pulled himself up on the branch and then shimmied down the tree like it was all part of a plan. I don't give Louie enough credit because he's the baby of the family but for the most part he has his act together. He's an athlete and a hunter and gets mostly C+'s on his report card, but he doesn't care about his grades, he's just living for the moment. I didn't get the seat stays done but they're next in line.  I'm using one of my favorite down tubes on this frame, the Pear to Penta from Nova Cycles.  Its more or less an 8/5/8 bi-oval design with a little added flare, its super-stout and looks fast too.  My grandmother keeps one by the front door in case a burglar breaks in. Her's is tri-oval now but there's one less crackhead in the neighborhood.  Let 'em have it Granny.

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