Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Clean Slate

Thank goodness the Tour de France is over.  Man, I didn't feel like I was getting anything done for the whole month of July.  It was an excellent race this year, and I think most people were happy for Cadel Evans but I'm ready to start a new project and  right here on the table it is.  I did manage to get a couple things done.  I finished up my first 29er and I should have some pics of that shortly, and I just shipped off RV's road frame which turned out excellent but I promised not to post any pics until after he has seen it so hopefully in a couple of days I can post those.  The carbon frame is just sitting over there in the corner waiting to be finished and things keep coming up that take precedence.  When I said I hoped to be riding it in the spring, I unintentionally meant spring of 2012.  The year 2012 just sounds like something futuristic, like some movie preview you saw when you were a kid in 1975.  Does anyone know how to slow things down a bit?  If you do please let me know.  Anyway, this fresh batch of tubing is going on a, yep, you guessed it, a psyclocross frame.  The "Pain Party" is looming in the background and I plan on having someone on the starting line on this frame.  I already know how its gonna be painted.  Allrighty then, let the transformation begin. I just realized that there are no fork blades in this photo.  Pfff, wheres my phone?

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