I have fallen behind a little on my blogging. Man, I have been so freakin busy lately working on various things it feels like I'm not getting much done. I live and build frames here in Mountain Home but I still have unfinished business in my hometown of Jonesboro, Arkansas as well. I have been doing some repair work on a couple of rental properties and it has been going at about a snail's pace, but its coming together a little at a time. My frame building business has gradually been growing and I am looking to cut ties with some of this other stuff I do to make green and focus more on frame building. While building bicycle frames is what I spend the majority of my time on it doesn't pay all the bills by any means. I have a ton of respect for anyone who is making a living building bicycle frames and I hope to stand among them one day, but for now I do whatever it takes to keep building. Here are some pics of a touring frame I'm building for a local rider here in Mountain Home. The last two frames I have worked on were for local riders and I have sold a recent handful of frames in the Arkansas/Missouri area. Truth is, I don't care where my customers are from, I enjoy sending these things anywhere. I have the frame finished and I need to get this fork done today or by Monday at the latest. You can see how clean the inside of the fork crown is, and I like to rough up the surfaces that are going to be brazed/bonded really well. Millions of little tiny mountains and valleys are created with some 80 grit emery cloth so that the silver has something good to flow into. Man, that sounded like poetry didn't it? I guess that Creative Writing class I took years ago is paying off. I think I deserved better than a "D" in that class. The first time I went to college, aside from the PE classes, most of my grades were in the C's & D's, one of the professors didn't even give me a grade at all, he said, "What was your name again?" I said, "Look man, I have been coming to this class almost 2-3 times a month for close to 4 months now and you have the nerve to ask me my name. This is outrageous!" Anyway, I went back to school a couple of years ago and got all A's except for one B in some history class. Even with all those A's my overall GPA wasn't much on the eyes. What does this prove you might ask? Nothing really, except that I was really, really stupid when I was in my 20's. Did you ever see the movie "Up in Smoke?" One of these days I might tell you about my Zoology 1 experience. I thought I was gonna be a dentist. You ever tried to dissect a worm? Sorry mom, not gonna happen. That professor actually told me that it would be better if I just quit, but I didn't, I went to that class everyday and earned that "F". As my dad used to say, its ok if you fail just don't ever quit. Its all educational.

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