Its been raining and storming all over Arkansas as well as a lot of other states these last few days. This is what it looks like in front of our house right now. This morning I had to take my wife to work because her RAV wasn't quite big enough to go through it. Later that evening I went to pick her up and when we got back then I couldn't get through it in my truck. Luckily there is a little gap between some trees behind the house and I can sneek it through the back yard if I need to. I haven't been riding much at all this year and this is making it that much more difficult. I used to go out training in the rain without giving it much thought but now I seldom do it. If you called me a "fair-weather rider" I couldn't say much back. These days I spend more time building bicycles than riding them but I can turn on a dime if I so choose. I'm only 4 lbs. over my race weight right now which is amazing considering all the junk food I have been eating. Yesterday I went to the store to get some cat food and had to have a box of Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls. I ate half the box on the way home and the other half over the next couple of hours. Hey, at least I didn't eat the cat food. Yes, I'm an addict and not even this lake in my front yard could keep me from a candy bar if I start to crave it. Have you tried the new 3 Musketeers Truffle Crisp? Don't do it. Man, its still raining out there. I wonder why the mail didn't come today?

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