Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Let's Paint It

Finally got Mark's 'cross frame all finished up and will be taking it over to Ace's this week.  I've been working on a couple different things here lately so it took me a while to finish it up but I think it was well worth the wait.  Check out that mini S3 bi-oval monostay, where do you get those? Its called handmade and I like it and  may use it again in the future.  Mark wanted a little stainless shine on some of the braze-ons so we went with dropouts, front derailleur, and seat cap.  This was the first time I have done any stainless polishing for anyone so I still have a lot to learn but I am already looking for the necessary tools to get that mirror-shine.  Mark saw the custom brake cable stop that I put on one of my past frames and decided he wanted one for this frame as well so I plugged a couple of nickels into my machine and wallah, no more brake shudder.  In the near future I want to make one out of carbon fiber or at the least wrap one with some carbon.  All and all this frame turned out nicely and hopefully here in a couple of weeks you will see the color choices Mark chose for this beast.  Actually I don't even know exactly how we're gonna paint this one yet but judging from the engraving on that BB shell we should have a little idea. All this steel that you see in these photos and it only weighs 3.88 lbs. in a size 57.  We put as many braze-ons on it as we could and its steel lightweight because its lightweight steel.  Check back for the finished product.

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