Friday, February 18, 2011

Break Out the S3 Boys

Here is the upstart of a new cross frame for Mark out of St. Louis and we are incorporating a little S3 Superlight into the main triangle.  I have a bit of a "love-hate" relationship with the S3 tubing.  Its a pain in the arse to miter because its shaped and also paper-thin, not to mention its pretty tough on the files as well, but with that said, the shape of the S3 down tube is second to none and nothing looks cooler, so therefore its worth it.  Its so light you can squeeze the down tube in your hand.  An S3 tube is a great way to get someone's attention because you can smack someone with it and it doesn't hurt'em, it will sting a little though, I mean after all it is steel.  I took some whippings as a kid that I only wish my dad would've used S3.  In all fairness, I deserved every one of them and it made me a better person.  My parents are the best and if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have the opportunity to work at something I enjoy.  As much trouble as these tubes are to miter by hand they turned out pretty tight.  See that little scuffed ring on the inside edge of the tubes, that gives you a good clean surface for the internal fillet and the scuffed outside is only natural for a good bond.  No Virginia, I'm not playing here.  I want these frames to be around after I'm gone.  Stay tuned for the rest of the build.  Chao.


  1. This frame is going to be sweet. Talk as much as you want about the build. I am considering a build with S3 in the future. Thanks, Wil

  2. Thanks Wil. S3 is some pretty cool stuff, paper thin. Thanks for checking out the work. Enjoy.
