Friday, October 1, 2010

MEECH 650B Belt-Drive Mountain Bike

I finally got this frame built up this week.  I have had this frame laying around for a while and have been gradually putting it together and it feels good to see the finished product and test ride the belt-drive system.  It rides super-smooth and the belt-drive seems very strong with no noticeable weaknesses.  The finished product tips the scales at 20.9 lbs. but who cares, just ride it and enjoy it.  Its stacked with components from White Brothers, FSA, American Classic, and of course Carbon Drive Systems.  Its roughly a size medium but I can fit my lanky arse on it and be pretty comfortable, enough to get the vibe anyway.  That carbon shell saddle by FSA is more comfortable than I thought it would be.  I don't know about doing any double-centuries on it but I think I could get use to it.I'm taking this thing to the Texas Bike show on October 16 & 17 so feel free to come by and check it out.  Chao amigos.

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