Sunday, May 16, 2010

Brad's Bionic Custom CX'er

Here is the upstart of a new cross frame I am building for Brad Berryman. This frame is the first one that I have used carbon on so I am really eager to see how it turns out. We are using a Paul Taylor custom carbon seatstay and this thing is so solid I can't believe it, it would make for a good MEECHcross bike. This frame is special to me because its very similar to the style of frame I saw at a cross race 2 1/2 yrs. ago that made me decide to start building frames. There was this sweet looking Bianchi that had a carbon rear end with an aluminum main triangle laying against a tree and I was checking it out thinking, "Man, all I would have to do is weld a main triangle together and glue in a carbon rear end and "Wallah" I built a bicycle frame." Well, building a bike frame is much harder than that, thats why its taken me over 2 years to get to this one. Anyway, Brad called me up about a frame and basically told me I could "wing-it" so here we go. Along with that fat, carbon seat stay we are gonna insert some carbon tubes in the top and down tubes, that means build a steel frame then break out the chainsaw and slice it up and glue it back together again with some high-tech stuff, kinda like the Six Million Dollar Man. Its gonna be bionic alright and I am only charging 2 million dollars for it, what a steal. MEECH, always giving you more for your money. Stay tuned for this one because Brad said when its finished he is gonna jump a school bus on it.

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