Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cutting Teeth

I was looking at my old Photobucket album, which is all I had at the time to show my frames,
and was checking out the first few frames that I built and thought I would post them. Included in these photos are the very first frame I built at the Yamaguchi Frame School (the gold one which I am riding right now), the very first cross bike I built by myself ( the white one that Larry abuses on a regular basis), and a couple of others. Larry didn't even know what cyclocross was in this photo. He said, "What do I want with an old 10-speed with skinny mountain bike tires?" Now he has a couple of state championships on it and is training for the World Cyclocross Championships when it comes to Kentucky in a couple of years. I want to have as many MEECHs there as I can have, so start training cause its gonna be the world's biggest pain party. Gonna be drinking fruit punch flavored gasoline and slappin tigers for that one. All these frames are still rollin, eating up the miles on a daily basis and thats the greatest compliment I can have. Stick around, your gonna like the next build. C'ya.

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