Tuesday, February 2, 2010

650B Belt-Drive #2

Here is a photo of the second 650B mountain bike that I am finishing up. It also is built to accommodate a belt-driven drivetrain. I never intended to build any mountain bikes but after someone gave me the chance to build them one I took it. It was an interesting and unique build for a new builder like myself and after having someone test it out and like the way it rides it made me a little more comfortable with this build. Everything has gone pretty smooth on this one except that after bending the chain stays I realized that the method I used had left 2 little indentations in each one so I had to fill them in with a little brass and sand them down and they're good to go. If everything went perfect it wouldn't be frame building and because of that little mistake someone is gonna get a sweet deal, I'll even add a couple of years to the warranty. After I finish brazing up a frame I put in back in the jig and put a little heat on all the joints this way it cools down perfectly straight and it limits the amount of cold-setting I have to do. When I first started frame building I just assumed that my high-dollar carbon race frame was perfectly straight but after putting it on my alignment table I realized the center line was about 4mm off on the seat tube, I was really surprised, and happy, because my frames are much straighter. Hopefully not all production frames are off that much, regardless, a well-built handmade frame is better. Enjoy.

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