Monday, December 28, 2009

Viva Knievel

I was wondering the other day if my childhood hero, Evel Knievel, was still alive? Turns out he passed on in 2007. The first time I saw him on TV I was blown away. I went straight outside, got a concrete block and a piece of plywood, built a ramp, and crashed straight into my mom's Monte Carlo. I had some Evel Knievel stickers on the seat of my Western Flyer that I got out of a cereal box and I was always doing my best imitations of him. My parents wouldn't get me a motorcycle so I had to do all my jumps on my bike until I got old enough to buy my own motorcycle. I had Evel's motorcycles, sky-cycle, lunchbox, everything, etc. I used to soak'em in gasoline and crank them up and run them through fire. I set the driveway on fire more than once, remember Mom? One morning, years later, I was waking up with a cup of coffee and our Chesapeake retriever was standing at the back door with something in his mouth that looked a little gross so I wrestled it away from him and it was the old, burned-up, melted Evel Knievel doll that I had thrown in the woods to keep my parents from finding it. Good boy Champ! He flunked dog obedience school but nothing got past his nose. Champ was a hell of a duck dog. He would go get the ducks no problem but then he wouldn't give'em to you. He figured if he was the one that waded through the icewater to get it that it was his to eat. That dog heard a lot of cuss words. Remind me later to tell you about the time he ran out into the street to fetch the football and got hit by a Mazda RX-7 and still retrieved the football. Don't worry, he wasn't hurt but the RX-7 needed a little body work. Here is a photo I stumbled onto on Wikipedia, I was a little surprised to see ol' Evel with a bicycle. Let it be remembered that Evel Knievel rode steel frames.
I got another 650B belt-drive mountain bike in the works to start off the new year. Stay tuned.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

El Griego

Fresh outta the paint booth. Aces Wild Custom put a sweet Sunburst Orange finish on this one- of-a-kind frame. Custom wishbone seat stay, Paragon track dropouts w/hanger, as well as their 3-piece brake bosses on the rear, not to mention the super-smooth fillets set this frame off from the rest.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Word of the Day, "Biciciclismo"

Its really not that hard to say 3 times really fast.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Cross Frame w/ Stainless Drops

Here are a couple of photos from one of my earlier frames. The painter, Josh Colvey, knocked it out of the park. This looks good enough to eat. For some reason you can only enlarge the fork photo but it is the best one. More photos of this frame can be seen at my Photobucket album under the name MEECH151. Thanks for looking.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Championship Cross Bike w/ Champ on Board

This is the finished product. A few weeks ago I posted a photo of a raw S3 cyclocross frame built for Larry Yancey of Jonesboro, Arkansas and here it is after Larry got finished. Its an incredible 16.8 lb steel cyclocross bike. I took a quick 200 meter spin on it and it climbs just like a road bike. This is a pro level cross bike, pure racing machine. You could race crits on it if you wanted and I wouldn't be surprised to see Yancey pushing it off the front going for a few primes this summer. This frame is totally stacked, Campy Record 10, Easton fork, Zipp Cyclocross tubular wheelset, everything is high-end race componentry. I love building frames and I especially love seeing them built up the way people are gonna ride/race them. This bike didn't get finished until Saturday night, Larry picked it up, took it to the Arkansas State Cyclocross Championships on Sunday morning and won. He only got to do one warm-up lap, got a dead last place start, and then started chasing them down one by one until he was out front. It was a classic ride and now he has the champions skinsuit to show for it. Congratulations! There were 2 more MEECH riders in the field I would like to mention, Trent Talley and Jess Parker. Thanks guys for flyin with MEECH. Another Jonesboro rider who rides for Big Shark Racing out of St. Louis won the Cat 1/2 race in supreme fashion. Congratulations to Nathan Rice, who is also a mechanic from Gearhead Outfitters that stayed late and finished up Larry's bike so he could make it to the race. Thanks Nate, I wanna get you on one of my frames brother. Here is a quick photo, hope you like it.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Holiday Season

Just touching base because I haven't posted anything in a while. I didn't know much about blogging when I started this thing and I'm not sure I know anything now however i have actually enjoyed posting photos of my builds, racers and friends alike, and just anything that comes to mind. Thanksgiving was different this year b/c we just got a house in the town of Mountain Home, AR and we had to move fast to get out of the other. There was no turkey and dressing and cranberry sauce just alot of moving. This was the second time in 7 months that I have moved my shop. Its not a very big operation, it will almost fit in the back of my pick-up (not the 350 lb. alignment table), however moving just breaks your rhythm and it takes time to get adjusted to the new setting but I have a pretty nice shop now and I think I am finally in a place where I can settle in and knock out some work come the new year.

I have only been in business for about 15 months but I am happy with the way things have gone so far. I built over 20 frames and sold the majority of them. Some I sold way too cheap just to move them and get some money to keep building. I would rather sell them a little over cost, pay for the materials and start another than to just stack them up. I am a new builder and can't ask the high prices that many well-known framebuilders can get but I am dreaming of that day. I made my fair share of mistakes too. Misplaced braze-ons, chainring and tire clearance issues, etc., just to name a few, but fortunately no broken frames and that was my main concern. R & D riders Larry Yancey and Trent Talley ride their CX bikes like Ricky Carmichael rides a motocross bike, and I also know that most of my customers are racers as well so I am happy that no one has broken one of my frames and I hope that none of you ever do. I try to take a lot of care when I am building a frame because I don't want to have to fix it and I especially don't want you to have to mess with sending it back and waiting for me to fix it however should it happen I will make it right, I don't want my name on any junk. I have also received quite a few compliments as well. About 4 people have commented that the frames climb really well. I don't know exactly why, maybe its the geometry or the big, fat fillets I put on the BB shell or maybe its just because I want them to climb well. I love climbing, I'm not that good at it but I like it. Anyway, now after every frame that I finish I ask a little blessing over it, "Dear Jesus, please let this frame climb like a pissed-off angel. Amen." Its been working. My other favorite compliment is really a simple one but it means a lot to me, someone told me, "Man, they're just good bikes.", and thats what I want to make, good bikes that climb like pissed-off angels.

I would like to say thanks to everyone that has helped me out, those that visit this site, those that ride/race my frames, those that help me troubleshoot problems, and all my family and friends who support me, I couldn't do it without you. I am currently working on a website but who knows when it will be done, I really suck with computers. I am also looking into incorporating some carbon fiber into my frames, I hear its really messy. Anyway, I hope you have a good holiday season and get ready, the next training season is less than a month away. Do I smell pain? You know you love it. Enjoy.

"Fly with MEECH"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

El Griego

Here is a shot of a frame that I just played around with. I fabricated the seatstay wishbone out of a few extra parts I had laying around in the shop, I also had some Paragon track dropouts w/hanger and their 3-piece brake bosses on hand so those got used as well. I cleaned up my shop and got a sweet CX frame as well. This frame was built strickly for custom aesthetics so its a little heavier than my average cross frames but not much, just a hair over 4 lbs., not bad for as much steel as it has in it. I can't wait to get it painted, its gonna be one of a kind for sure. I named it El Griego which means "the Greek" in Latin. My dad was full blooded Greek but I never learned to speak any of it, I did spend a few months in Spain though and a couple of the local riders use to call me El Griego. The seatstay wishbone actually has a bit of an old-world column look to it so I think the name is perfect. Stay tuned for the finished product.

Friday, November 13, 2009

YouTube - Inspired Bicycles - Danny MacAskill April 2009

YouTube - Inspired Bicycles - Danny MacAskill April 2009

Every once in a while I just have to watch this guy and try to imagine what it feels like to be this good. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Larry Yancey's Factory CX Frame

This is a frame that I just finished up for the MEECH Factory rider Larry Yancey, most of you probably have heard of him by now or you will soon. He has been riding and abusing the very first MEECH CX frame that I built for a year now. He has won the Tennessee CX Championship, the Arkansas Time Trial Championship, and nearly won a Little Rock mountain bike race on his old MEECH frame. We are not retiring it yet but we are gonna give it a little rest while he races this new CX frame built out of True Temper S3 tubing. Check out that big fat down tube and tear-drop top tube, its so light you could hit your momma with it. Just kidding moms, you know we love you. It tips the scale at 3.46 lbs. and we are gonna air it out and see what kind of cross bike this S3 makes, it feels pretty solid to me but Larry is gonna put it to the test real soon. Be looking for it at the races.

Oh yeah, the most amazing thing about this frame is not that its custom, or not that its light, or not even that its gonna be one sweet ride, its that I am gonna give this sweet frame to him for nothing if he jumps 14 garbage cans on it. Arthur Fonzarelli tried to do it on a motorcycle and almost made it but crashed into a chicken stand so it didn't count, I jumped 13 on my cross bike but it had a suspension fork on it, and now Larry said he is gonna do 14 without a suspension fork. The date is set for this December 24 in front of my house at 12:00 midnight. Admission is free, the gasoline-flavored kool-aid is free, there is gonna be a lot of swanky girls in bikinis, we are gonna have a frozen waterslide, Guns n Roses are gonna be playing, , Evel Knievel is gonna be signing autographs (is he still alive? I know hes missing a finger), Santa Claus is gonna be there, and guess what, I am gonna be selling chicken right at the bottom of the landing ramp. See ya there. Chao.

"For those about to rock, we salute you."

Friday, November 6, 2009

Ian Hope's 650B Belt-Drive Bici de Montana

Check out Ian's build-up of his custom 650B mountain bike. He said the belt-drive is super-smooth, steering is quick, and as far as the sex-appeal goes, you're looking at it. The white bars and headset put this thing over the top. Very trick looking.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Ride Fast, Ride Loud,
& make your Daddy proud!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Mathew Molewyk's Custom CX Frame

This is a frame I just finished up for Matt Molewyk. It has a super-cool paint job done by Ace's Wild Custom here in Mountain Home. Combined with the Ritchey WCS Carbon fork this frame almost looks carbon itself. Matt decided to go with some Paragon Breezer-style dropouts as well as their 3-piece cantilever brake bosses. This is a really sweet cross bike, size 58cm, thats just about right for me, hmmm, no I will wait and let Matt be the first rider but man its tempting. Matt has been laid up in the hospital with the flu for a few days now and I am trying to get him motivated to get out, I know he is ready to start training again and get back out on the cross circuit. Thanks Matt and I hope you are feeling better.

Friday, October 2, 2009

650B Belt Drive

Here is the finished 650B belt-driven mountain bike I have been working on for Ian Hope. I was very pleased with how it turned out. Ace's Wild Custom here in Mountain Home did the paint job this time and we just went with a solid black pearl paint that looks unbelievable in the sunlight. As usual, photos don't do it any justice because I am a miserable photographer, cameras and computers are just not my thing. I liked this frame so much that I am gonna build another frame similar to this just as soon as i am caught up. It would be nice to have an endless supply of bike parts so that I could build up some of these frames. I would like to test ride every one of them but there is just not enough time to build up every one of them so that's where I rely on you guys to build'em up and give me the low down. So far its gone pretty smooth, thanks!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Customized BB Shell

Mainline Awards has been customizing my bottom bracket shells for me. This is going on Matt Molewyk's custom CX frame. Stay tuned for the finished product.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Belt Driven 650B Mountain Bike

Here is the frame I have been working on for Ian Hope, an Orbea bike shop owner in Little Rock and a local on the Arkansas race scene. The frame is for a 650B mountain bike and contains a belt-driven drive train. This frame looks more like a drag bike than a mountain bike because the wheel in this photo is a 26er and left a big gap between the seat tube. Once a 27.5" wheel with a big, fat knobby tire is dropped in it should be dialed in. I told myself when I started building frames that I was just gonna stick to cyclocross and road frames however this was a challenge that I wanted to take. I didn't even know what a 650B mountain bike was when he asked me about it, nor did I know anything about Carbon Drive Systems so this was an interesting build that I have learned alot from and am glad I built it. I am gonna build another one just as soon as I get caught up with the frames I am working on now. Man, I just wanna take this thing for a spin to see what it feels like. Maybe Ian will let me take his for a spin when he gets it built up, I can't wait.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

MEECH Track Frameset

Here is a track frameset that I started on quite a while back and just recently got the finish on it. I kept this one as simple as I could. All straight tubes left raw with the fillet-brazing showing. It has a super-strong powder coat finish done by Industrial Powdercoating of Mountain Home, AR. The owner was beating two pieces of tubing together and failed to even scratch it. This frame has the name that I was gonna use on my frames in the very beginning, OneFiftyOne, but then I just decided to go with my nickname, MEECH. This was the first time I actually put it on a frame and I might still use it from time to time. Honestly I don't know much, if anything, about track racing so I just used a standard geometry and tried to keep it simple and comfortable for everyday street riding, but oh-man would I love to see someone race the molasses out of this thing on a velodrome. I was gonna take it to the Texas Handmade Bicycle Show in Austin but I can't go this year, maybe next. Hope you like it. I have a 650B mountain bike with a belt-drive I am working on now and will be posting some photos when its done so stay tuned. Chao.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Custom Tire Clearance

This was my resolve for cyclocross tire clearance issues. Indentations work fine but don't look near as good. Since this was the first time I had tried this I had to put it to the test so I took it over to a friend's house and we stuck it in the vice and each took a turn trying to break it, it never did. I did manage to collapse the other side of the stay eventually but we both decided it was plenty strong. This is warrantied just the same as my other stuff. Check out that high-tech gadgetry phone holding the stay in place, oh-yeah, $14 at Wal-Mart. The Blackberry cost too much so I opted for the Mulberry. I bought an expensive phone once and it fell out of my jersey pocket and before I knew it was gone it had been run over about 600 times. My friend Larry Yancey said, "Its still good", there was no screen left in it and it looked like someone had held it to a grinder. I have tried to lose the Mulberry but it keeps following me home. Sometimes when I go into the store I will just leave it on the hood of my car to see if someone will steal it, I still have it, in fact, one time I came out of the store and there was another one just like it sitting there next to mine. Go figure.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

3fana's 151

This is the frame I built for my amigo in Spain. Super chulo is how he described it, sounds cool to me. Mohammed Afana is the first friend I had when I arrived in Spain and we have stayed in touch all these years. He is spreading the MEECH name in Europe for me. Gracias amigo! Saludos a todos en Andalucia. Os quiero!Venga.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Dereck & Elizabeth's CX frames

Here are a couple of 'cross frames that I just finished up for Dereck and his wife. Dereck Treadwell is the cross country & triathlon coach at Hartwick College in Laurens, NY as well as a professional triathlete.

Josh Colvey painted these frames with a creamy butter and did the panel in a whipped cream white, no joke, these frames are painted with creamy butter and whipped cream. The greatest thing about these frames is that after almost killing yourself in a cyclocross race you can eat the frame afterward, the downside is that dogs are constantly chasing you on your training rides. Check out those extended seat tubes, I can't wait to see these frames built up, send photos. Thanks. Later.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Ever Onward

I have been getting in a ride about 5 days a week here lately and while that is a good thing about 4 out of those 5 rides I feel like I am dragging bricks, stuck in 3rd gear. It would be nice if there was a coaching hotline to call in times like these. Yeah I know there are coaches out there with readily available numbers to call but how much is it gonna cost after that first call. Its not worth it to me, I don't race any more and I have probably gone as fast as I am ever gonna go. Its not that I am pessimistic, I just know that if I am not putting in the miles, going to the races, and having ambitions of going faster like I use to how could I get faster, not to mention the added years. Besides, for the last couple of years I have been intrigued with building bicycle frames, I guess so I can get away from the pain and hopefully sell some of it to someone else. No matter how much it hurts I always go back for more, its a love-hate relationship. When you are out training and it just hurts and you think you are sick of it just remember it really is much better to be on the bike suffering than to be stuck at work wishing you were riding, so just keep pushing, get everything out of yourself that you deserve, those good legs are coming. Keep pushing ever onward!

"For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto the mountain, be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith." Mark 11:23

Stay tuned, more frames coming.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Arkansas State TT Champ

This is my good friend and local Cat 3 Jonesboro native Larry Yancey. We just call him el Hombre Peligroso (a bad man). He has been a part of R&D at MEECH Custom Bikes since we began. Sometimes when I was watching him ride the bike I would cringe thinking he was gonna break the frame for sure but after close to a year of beating the molasses out of it I am happy to say that it is still in one piece and even has a couple of state championships on it. Last year Larry won the Tennessee CX Championships on a MEECH and it felt good to take a first place, however in all fairness it was probably more Larry's legs than my frame but when I heard that he threw some 23c tubulars and a pair of clip-ons on it and won the Arkansas State TT I was totally stoked, I have always loved the versatility of 'cross bikes but this takes it to a whole new level. Good job! I would also like to mention that the Jonesboro boys cleaned up this year at the event, Trent Talley, Mike Suminski, and a host of others posted some fast times and brought home the swag. They love racing in Jonesboro, Arkansas so if you are ever there let 'em take you out for a spin but I am giving you fair warning, they will attack you faster than you can say cowboys and indians. Send me some more photos. Chao.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Jess's new cyclocross frame

Paint was done by Josh Colvey from Vivid Dezigns. Its a baby blue w/Sunset Pearl bands. Paragon Track dropouts w/derailleur hanger give you a couple of options. Cross season is not too far away, can you smell the pain?

As you can see I am a miserable photographer, I cannot figure out my wife's camera to save my life. Somebody please help. The frames always look much better when they arrive at your door, if your not happy I will take it back. Thanks.

YouTube - "Al limite dell'equilibrio".

YouTube - "Al limite dell'equilibrio".

You think you got good bike handling skills? Check this guy out. Did you happen to notice that the guy is climbing a mountain and dropping the riders behind him that aren't even riding a wheelie with no hands?

Friday, July 3, 2009

Wish I was there

Yes its that time of year again, the three weeks in July when I never get anything done. Lance Armstrong is back to make it just that much more interesting. I never was a huge Armstrong fan but I like him a little more after stumbling onto this photo of he and George Hincapie. It looks like they are having a good time. I personally have never seen Armstrong laugh so this was a surprise. I hope he has a good Tour de France but please don't win it again.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bruised bananas

Let the party begin. I love the creative usefulness of this cargo bike by A.N.T. however I would hate to endo on this thing. Can you imagine, when the bike goes vertical and the rear wheel kisses the back of your head, your gonna be 9 feet off the pavement. Your groceries are gonna be all over the street, people are gonna be grabbing your canned goods and running off. I really shouldn't be so pessimistic though, perhaps someone nice will come along and scrape your tattered arse off the sidewalk, put you in the big basket like the sack of potatos you just bought, and ride you to the hospital. Its not exactly an Air Evac but its better than having to ride on the handlebars. This bike makes me think of the time I was sitting on a corner in Greece and a motorcycle with 4 people on it pulled into the Disco Heaven Nightclub, don't even want to think about endoing in that situation. This bike really is a unique build, check out the steering, maybe add some fluffy dice to the handlebars and throw some 70's shag down on that dance floor, add a dancing pole for the ladies, now your rollin.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Solid Steel

All MEECH frames are fillet-brazed steel with a 20 year warranty. I build mostly cyclocross frames however also do road and track as well. Custom frame sets start around $850.

Cheap Labor

This is Louie the part-time frame building cat. He doesn't actually build the frames, I do, but he is in charge of straightening them. I may have to garnish his wages though because he spends half the time up in some tree and the other half he just kills spiders and brings lizards in and chews off the tail. He loves it the way the lizards' tail keeps moving after he has separated it from the body, its like two toys in one. He'll attack the lizard for a while and then attack the tail, poor lizards.

Not long after we moved to our new location Louie took a bullet in the shoulder. Yes, believe it or not someone shot Louie with a pellet gun. He took it like a man though. He pulled the pellet out with his teeth and spit it back at the guy that shot him, and said, "Nes time you pool dat piece on me, I take your piece away fro you and put it up your culo, and pool de treeger till it go click. Cuz nobody f#*k wit da Jesus!" You sayd it main. It might have been a lizard-man that shot him. Hey, if your gonna work with steel you have to be tough. Peace!


Friday, June 12, 2009

Cavendish's TT machine (Time Travel?)

YOWSA! Imagine going back in time before the bicycle was invented and screaming through the streets on this thing, or go riding up beside Einstein when he is out for a stroll. Super chulo!
Man, I wish cigarettes weren't bad for you, i could use a pack right now, I would settle for one.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

MEECH 3fana Road Bike

I built this frame off of the geometry from a Scott CR1 that I road for a couple years. I didn't paint it because I wanted the fillets to show through, truthfully the fillets could have been better but it is one of my earlier frames and I wanted to ride it more than sand and clean fillets you know. Frame weighs 3.5 lbs and with fork it is a mere 5 lbs. It is a size 58. It rides alot like the CR1, which even though the geometry is the same I thought there would be a huge difference since one is carbon and one is steel but they feel similar going over bumps.
All we do is dance and scream and build bicycles all day long. Our bikes race faster than our minds, and our bodies convulse to rhythmic ceremonial rituals that scare old people while enticing the young. All I know is that I'm alive today and I hope that I am tomorrow. Welcome to the Steel Garden, where we eat carbon for breakfast and use titanium for toothpicks. :)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

This is absurd, insanity, these people are crazy. Not even the fish are up yet. I want to but is it the smart thing to do.

Friday, June 5, 2009

MEECH Cyclocross Frameset

Custom CX frame painted by Josh Colvey @ Vivid Dezigns ready to race!
Where are my damn house shoes? and why is there cat hair in my pancakes?