Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Larry Yancey's Factory CX Frame

This is a frame that I just finished up for the MEECH Factory rider Larry Yancey, most of you probably have heard of him by now or you will soon. He has been riding and abusing the very first MEECH CX frame that I built for a year now. He has won the Tennessee CX Championship, the Arkansas Time Trial Championship, and nearly won a Little Rock mountain bike race on his old MEECH frame. We are not retiring it yet but we are gonna give it a little rest while he races this new CX frame built out of True Temper S3 tubing. Check out that big fat down tube and tear-drop top tube, its so light you could hit your momma with it. Just kidding moms, you know we love you. It tips the scale at 3.46 lbs. and we are gonna air it out and see what kind of cross bike this S3 makes, it feels pretty solid to me but Larry is gonna put it to the test real soon. Be looking for it at the races.

Oh yeah, the most amazing thing about this frame is not that its custom, or not that its light, or not even that its gonna be one sweet ride, its that I am gonna give this sweet frame to him for nothing if he jumps 14 garbage cans on it. Arthur Fonzarelli tried to do it on a motorcycle and almost made it but crashed into a chicken stand so it didn't count, I jumped 13 on my cross bike but it had a suspension fork on it, and now Larry said he is gonna do 14 without a suspension fork. The date is set for this December 24 in front of my house at 12:00 midnight. Admission is free, the gasoline-flavored kool-aid is free, there is gonna be a lot of swanky girls in bikinis, we are gonna have a frozen waterslide, Guns n Roses are gonna be playing, , Evel Knievel is gonna be signing autographs (is he still alive? I know hes missing a finger), Santa Claus is gonna be there, and guess what, I am gonna be selling chicken right at the bottom of the landing ramp. See ya there. Chao.

"For those about to rock, we salute you."

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