Sunday, May 5, 2019

Lance Wilson at the Chino Gravel Grinder

Obviously I haven't been spending any time on the blog lately but some things just need to be addressed. One of those things is Lance Wilson and his endless pursuit of desert miles that he puts on 
his MEECH. I receive lots of pics from Lance on his many bicycle adventures but haven't posted any 
lately but when I saw this pic above I just had to share it and say thanks for riding a MEECH Lance! I appreciate you and all the others out there who support the cause. I had to make a few
changes a while back and have been spending more time trying to sell real estate than riding or working on bicycles. Lots of blue skies in the background of these photos as well as lots of open roads. It's a beautiful day here in Arkansas as well and I'm fixing to go get on my MEECH and give it a little dig. I'm fixing to build up a frame that's been laying around the shop for far too long and see how it feels out on the road. I'll be sure and post some pics and I'm hoping to get back in the swing of things before long because I've missed these times tremendously.

I still remember painting this frame. Dig the saddle too!
Thanks for stopping by!