Monday, September 28, 2015

New World Road Racing Champion

Peter Sagan soloed in to take the Cycling Road Racing World Championship.

Nobody can say he doesn't look like a world champion.  Geez! He is most likely the best looking cyclist in the world, and, he seems pretty grounded. If you're not jealous you should be.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Road Trip to World's

Here is a little photo of Nate's MEECH on the way to the World's in Richmond, Virginia.  When Nate told me that he and Rachel were headed to the World Championships I had no idea he meant they would be riding their bikes there.  You guys have no idea how good these photos that you all take make me feel.  I feel very fortunate to meet and know you guys, each and every one of you. 

Now I'm all amped up to get back out in the shop.
Thanks for riding a MEECH!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

MEECHes at Work and Play

Nate Rice in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Lance Wilson and his MEECH spending the week at InterBike.

Some serious steel in this shot. 

Couple of nice looking rides you got there Lance.
Thanks for the pics!  Enjoy InterBike!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Fabio Aru-Vuelta

It looks like Fabio Aru is gonna win the Vuelta.  On the next to last stage and on the penultimate climb of the day he finally cracked Tom Dumoulin.  Only 6 seconds seperated them when they started but Aru put something like 3-4 minutes into Dumoulin and completely knocked him off the podium.  I was happy to see Aru when however felt bad for Dumoulin after he raced such a perfect tour.  It would have been nice if he could've at least stood on the podium. Oh well, that's racing.

I'd be smiling bigger than this if I was him.  I used to smile that much just walking around Spain.  Aru could easily win the Tour in the next couple of years.  He's young, fights hard, and never gives up.  Also, he's a motocrosser.  You don't want to mess with those guys. They're crazy!

He's a photo of an old friend, Jess Parker. Not sure exactly where this was taken however Paul Isley was the one to capture the moment.  Great shot Paul!

The moment I saw this pic I immediately thought of the song by Queen, Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon. Enjoy the day.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Backyard Pictures Are Back!

You thought you might never see any more of my backyard pics ever again.  You even started to miss them a little didn't ya?  I hope so.  Anyway, it took longer than I ever could've imagined but I finally finished this frame.  It turned out much better than i ever could've expected with all the setbacks that I've gone through.  The building went good, the painting went about as smooth as I could've hoped for, and overall I feel good about going forward.  Truth is we just haven't got settled in yet.  This is our hometown and we're in our old house (big part of problems) but things just haven't started to flow like I had hoped they would.  It's gradually getting better and all there is to do is keep pushing forward at whatever pace I can.  There were a couple of times early on that I was gonna call Phil and say, "It's not gonna happen." There were a couple of other times that I figured my frame building business was finished.  I felt I was just really getting going good this past year and then the chaos (Jack came along) began.  I wouldn't change a thing.  The number of frames is gonna drop for certain but I'm gonna keep building every chance that I have because after this whole ordeal I realized that I just really enjoy doing it, and I want to get better at it, and the painting as well.  I enjoy that as much as the building. So that's how it's gonna be.

"I reckon so."

Coronado Green, aka Bianchi green.  Ok, I'm sure there might be a few different pigments in this paint versus the original Bianchi but I would say that the girl at O'reilly did a pretty good job of picking this one out.  Personally, if it's any different than Bianchi's color, I think it's even better.

"Just who do you think you are taking Bianchi's trademark color and painting your frames with it?"

If the customer wants it, and there's no law against using it, then the customer gets it.  If you got something to say, come on with it, because I'll enjoy the conversation. Besides, I can't recall ever seeing a Bianchi with gold on it, but I would strongly recommend trying it because they look so good together. 

"What is that creeping up behind this beautiful frame?"

Don't worry, I'll tell you later. It's backyard picture time from the new MEECH shop.  Actually it's the front yard, but had I not told you, you never would've known. They both need mowing.

I have already mentioned this but it's a 650B touring bike for Phil Pasantino, one of my earliest customers who has purchased 3 MEECH's so far.  Thanks Phil!

The sun and shade provide a variety of shades for these two colors.  These photos will give you a little taste of all of them.

This is Nico.  He's the latest addition to the family.  A buddy of mine found him wondering the streets and with the recent loss of Smokey and Louis this past year we were ready for another cat.  I thought I was ready. Not so sure now. 

English wheelie compliments of Pletscher kickstands.  Just happend to have this old Bianchi cap hanging on the wall and wanted to see how close I got to the color. It'll pass.

Thanks for stopping by and I'm gonna try to get back out into the shop as soon as possible.  Thanks for the patience. Peace! (Where'd it go?)

Check out the final stages of the Vuelta.  Only 5 seconds between Aru and Dumoulin after today.  Tomorrow is gonna be a war.  Watch how hard Fabio Aru attacks when he goes.  It's about as hard as I've ever seen anyone attack. Granted, he may be a bit tired after 3 weeks but he'll still give it a good, solid dig. Wonder if any GC contenders have ever actually raced on the parade day? You may see it this year. Check it out!

MEECH Custom Bicycles
handmade in 
Jonesboro, Arkansas

Phil's 650B Tourer

Finally got Phil's frame finished up last night, except for the painting anyway.  Here are a couple of quick pics.  I don't normally post these rusty pics of the frame after washing the flux off because they've never done much for me, however, it is part of the process when you build a steel frame so what the heck.

This seat lug shot looks pretty knarly. It's starting to gross me out so let's move forward to the "after clean-up" pics.

I took most of these pictures at night and the lighting in my shop is not up to par yet.  

Phil is gonna throw a Pletscher kickstand on this bike hence the mounting plate under the chain stays.

Total carnage.

"Ok D, I've got to ask?"

I knew you would. 

This is the aftermath of Jack's first bicycle crash. It took him a whole year and 2 days before he finally tasted dirt but he got a good dose on this one, not to mention a blood blister on his lip.  I was beginning to wonder if he was my child but this is some pretty clear evidence right here. Worst part about it is that he's strapped into this thing and it's like crashing and your feet not coming unclipped.  It was actually kinda my fault.  Apparently there is a slight gradient on this porch and as I started walking to the garage he started rolling backwards. 


He wasn't happy with me and there were some harsh words spoken and a few tears as well, but once I broke out the graham crackers he forgot all about it.  The way he eats is another testament to the fact that he is indeed mine.

Let's see if I can get this frame painted in the next few days and start another.  I almost feel like I'm on a roll.

Thanks for stopping by!