My blogging has slowed a little here lately but thats not because nothing is going on, in fact, the problem is I'm working on different projects and not taking the time for photos and details. I was playing around with some carbon layup this weekend on my half-finished frame and finally got the top tube/seat stay juncture wrapped. It doesn't look too bad but it doesn't exactly look like these parts here. I would love to just cruise on the streets in this thing about 200 mph. Just leave the wings off and it would be like a bullet-car. Talk about population control. There's an idea for China. They are already at the forefront of composite engineering, and they need to slow down the population growth, its an up and up situation, no? Maybe its more of an up and down situation. The demand for firemen is gonna increase dramatically, it will help the economy, the Bullet-Car is a brilliant idea. I'm gonna go to work on it. Lets see, I need a bigger shop, more money, and a way to slow down time in order to get everything done. Man, I wish Santa would hurry up and get to the mall, I need to talk to him bad. To get everything I'm wanting Jesus will need to be there too. Last year there were two Jesus' sitting out in front of the mall. One of 'em needed a shower really bad. I told him walking on water was cool an all but that on occasion he should try getting down in it. Turns out, he can't swim, go figure. The other one still owes me twenty bucks. I'm only kidding. One day the real Jesus is gonna get sick of my jokes and plant me horizontally with a busted lip. Got photos from Phil Passantino's 650B tourer on the way, first MOTO-BICI paint job is coming soon, and I'll try to get some photos up from the carbon fiber mess I am making. See you soon. Oh yeah, here's a little poem I wrote in Creative Writing a long time ago:
Feed me speed
Crash and bleed
Jesus can heal
If you can believe
The professor didn't care for it but I thought it was brilliant. That guy was such a hater. Chao amigos.